Chapter 20- The Bite

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" no no, please--"
Nightmare muttered to himself in disbelief, his hands tightening around the quickly darkening apple, his phalanges slightly piercing the skin.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this--
You're n-not supposed to do this--"
He spoke in a broken yet hushed whisper to himself, a feeling of dread making him feel almost sick.

Said feeling only intensified when he looked over at the rest of the tree.

His eye sockets widened and his eye lights shrunk as he took in the horrid sight. He would have cried out upon seeing the rest of the golden apples quickly mirror the one in his hands, but he was far too shocked.
The leaves darkened as well while a fair amount of them just started withering and falling off from the branches.

Amidst all that was happening, Nightmare could feel some sort of shift in the air. The realization of what it was shook the poor guardian even more then earlier.

The balance

The balance of emotions had been altered.

And it was his fault.


You let out a low sound of sudden discomfort, almost a grumble, leaning into Michael a bit as you quickly felt rather bad again. You just weren't sure what it was this time.

Michael, I want to see Nightmare...."
You managed to say softly, feeling tears start to run down your face. You started lightly sobbing as Michael seemed to grow more worried, looking over at you with concern.

"He could still be asleep, but I'll help bring you there if you want. It's still pretty dark and I just want to make sure you're safe, especially after whatever just happened."
Michael said after thinking for a second. He looked back towards the open door of your house while you nodded sort of quickly. You didn't care if he came with you, you just wanted to see Nightmare.

"That's fine with me, but can we please go now then?"
You asked, the tears on your face falling faster. You almost couldn't see anymore but you were thankful that you were crying rather quietly.

"Sure, let me just get my bat and see if I can close your door." He said before patting you on the back and getting up to do exactly what he said. He'd be lying if he were to say he didn't feel anything strange once he stepped back in the house, said feeling startling him a bit as he quickly grabbed his bat and closed the door behind him.

He then helped you to stand up, a combination of your tear blurred vision and tired out body causing you to be a little shaky, but Michael put one of your arms around him to help keep you steady.

"Alright, don't worry, we're going to go see Nightmare now, ok?"
Michael said as you both started to walk towards the park. He wanted to at least try and talk a bit cause honestly, he was a bit scared. The seemingly dead silence around them subconsciously getting to him as he would glace around them every now and again.

"....Ok, thank you Michael.." You said softly as you wished you could walk faster. Your weak legs betraying you with their fatigue, sometimes making you stumble a bit as you walked.

"Of course (Y/N), you mean.... a lot to me. I've never had a friend like you before.."
He answered back softly, matching your volume of talking to make sure he didn't overload your senses or something like that.

You stayed silent for a moment. You weren't quite sure how to answer that, so many words of denial or negativity only coming up in your head as a response, but you wouldn't vocalize any of it.

"Well...I've never had a friend like you either Michael."
You sighed softly and looked away from him for a second, thinking about nothing in particular before you decided to be a little more open to him.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now