Chapter 6- Surprise

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You were actually surprised that no one asked about the few minor cuts and bruises visible on your cheeks and arms. But then again you're pretty sure that's a good thing you didn't want to have to explain yourself, not that you personally knew anyone here anyway.

Leaving the back room, now in your uniform, you entered the kitchen and walked over to your grill. Once you clean it and fire it up you look up at the ticket rack and start filling out the orders.

You actually liked cooking so it made you very happy whenever you got the chance to see satisfied customers that ate your food. The main reason why you loved your job though, was the fact that you had little to no human interaction.
You weren't exactly one for conversations.


Aww man.

Recognizing the voice of your manager, you quickly finished putting together a burger before looking up at him.

"Yes sir?" You asked in the most polite/professional way possible.

"Turn off that stove and follow me please." He said in a demanding tone, unable to tell if it was good news or bad news.
You hoped you weren't in trouble as he opened the door to his office for you and motioned for you to sit in a chair.

"Now (Y/N), I know you've been working here for a while now so I find it hard to ignore the fact that you are the best cook here."

You breath out in relief and feel joy start to swell in your chest.

"The customers love you food and frankly, so do I." He gave you a slight smile which you quickly returned.

"Thank you sir." You say, as grateful as possible.

"I bet you're wondering why I brought you here now?" He asked you, you just nodded in response. He continued.

"Starting tomorrow, you are now the head cook." He said. You almost didn't believe what you were hearing. And before you could say anything, he dismissed you. As the door was about to close he called to you once more.

"By the way, you can leave work and hour early." And with that, the door to his office closed all the way. The smile on your face grew.

Practically running back to your station you continued your work for the rest of the day in a much better mood and you could tell that it even showed in the food. Then, when the time came, you left work and your early like your boss said you could. You decided to pay Nightmare and Dream a vist, again.

Walking through town, you took your time and looked around, the local candy shop catching your attention.
Why not celebrate with the boys on your promotion?

You walked into the store and upon entering, you were overwhelmed by all the options within. After much debate with yourself, you elected on literally getting two of everything, reason being that you didn't know what the brothers would like and everything looked so good. You spent a good, non regrettable, $50 on candy.

Resuming your walk, another building caught your eye. The bookstore.
The said structure across the street was painted in a very attractive shade of purple, it almost immediately reminded you of Nightmare.


You walked over to the bookstore, remembering that Nightmare loved to read. You decided to get him a few books because why not.

As you opened the door you heard a tiny bell ring, signaling your arrival and you looked up to smile at the person who welcomed you. You took in a deep breath and sighed in content when that warm, leathery-papery, book kinda smell filled your senses.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now