Chapter 16- Croissant

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The shifting of something next to you stirs you awake. You slowly open you eyes, seeing a dimly glowing moon and star.
Soon remembering that it was the shirt you gave Nightmare, your eyes widen as your face flushes with heat. This time, you were all over Night.
You slowly look up and let out a sigh of relief to see that he's still asleep.

Forcing yourself to get out of the bed, you slowly get yourself out of his light grip on you.

When you're free, you quietly change into your usual day clothes and check your phone to see when you went in for work today. You had a bit of time.

Leaving the room, the house is still silently, giving you the impression that everyone was still asleep. You decide to surprise them with breakfast.

In the kitchen, you think of making something a little different.

The different food that you eventually decided on was going to be Hashbrowns, chocolate-filled croissants, and grilled cheese sandwiches. Sounds fun.

You got to work on washing the potatoes and then slicing them as needed.

The dough for the croissants was a bit tricky but you managed to figure it out. One thing about it is that it absolutely needs to stay cold for you to work with it. In order to help with this, not only were you going to stick it on the freezer, but when you were going to work with it, you would put your hands in there aswell.

You opened the freezer to put the dough in to chill when you were surprised by a random, empty bowl in there. Confused, you take it out and notice that the whole bowl is completely covered in frost. The spoon was frozen to the bowl aswell.
While still trying to remember why it was even there, you place the bowl in your sink and leave it there to thaw out.

Ok, now, on to the sandwiches.

You turn on your stove, setting a pan on it once it was hot and buttered the surface of it. Using almost all the bread you have left, you toast the bread a bit before adding the cheese. When you were finished, you had a whole plate of sandwiches and the hashbrowns were finished baking.

Now all that was left were the croissants.

Making sure you already set the finished food on the table, you open the freezer and let your hands sit there for a bit. Once you felt it was cold enough, you grab the dough and start shaping it into its crescent shape. While you were daoing that, you couldn't help but think of Nightmare.

Due to your sudden thoughts of him, you decided to add powdered sugar on top of the delicious pastry.

As you finished filling the croissants when they were done baking, you left to look around for the powdered sugar.

Once you found it, you wiped some sweat that was beginning to form, off your forehead.
You were startled when you came back to the kitchen and saw Michael stand there.

"Oh, good morning Michael. You need something?" You ask as you noticed he was kinda looking around.

"Good morning (Y/N), and no, I don't need anything. I just wanted to see what you were up to." Michael said, lightly tapping his fingers together as he spoke to you.

"Well, it was supposed to be a surprise but, I'm making breakfast for you guys." You offered him a smile as you explained. He smiled back.

"Oh ok. Do you need any help?" He offered, taking a few steps towards you.

"Hmmm, well I'm already almost done but you can help me put sugar on these if you want." You say, pointing to the croissants with the sugar.

"Oh, sure!" Michael vigorusly nods his head.

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