Chapter 10- Introductions

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"So your friends are The Guardians of the Tree of Feelings?" Michael asked, his emotion unreadable for the moment as you walked towards the park.

"Uh, yeah? Is-That's ok though right?" You asked nervously, grip tightening slightly on the two warm drinks in your hands.

"Ok? I-I think that's really cool. You're very lucky to have such friends" Michael said, looking around at all the places you passed on the way to the park. Guess he didn't explore yet.

"Yeah...I guess I am pretty lucky." You said. You didn't know exactly why but something about that bothered you.
You shook it off and kept walking.

"Anyways, we're here now." You said, looking up at the welcome gate. You never really noticed it before but the park was apparently called 'The Balance'. Hmm, strange yet fitting.

"Oh wow! It looks absolutely wonderful here, oh, is that the tree?" Michael's voice held so much excitement. You swear he was acting like a child right now.
Dream would love him!
You laugh in your mind at that thought.

"You bet, that right there my friend, is the Tree of Feelings." You said, proud to be the one to show him such wonders.

From there, Michael sorta took off and you were speed walking right behind him. Darn his long legs.

"Night! Dream! I'm back and I have something for you!" You called out, both brothers snapping their heads up to look at you. Michael had stopped and fell back, walking behind you trying to hide. You just kept smiling.

"Hey (N/N)! Who is that behind you?" Dream asked, the first to greet you.

"Glad you asked." You said, handing each brother their specially made drinks. Before they could react though, you held up you finger stopping them both and pulled Michael out from behind you.

"This is Michael. Michael this is Dream and Nightmare." You introduce, pointing to who was who.

"Greetings! Any friend of (N/N) is a welcome friend of ours, right brother?" Dream said, stars in his eyes and he reached for Michael's hand to shake. Michael let out a squeak when Dream grabbed his hand.

"....yeah, sure." Nightmare looked at Michael a little hesitantly. He crossed his arms and looked away. Dream totally disregarded it. Michael looked down.
You needed to say something.

"Oh, don't mind Nightmare, he's just a bit shy. Don't take it to personal." You told Michael, a warning tone in your voice aimed towards Night.
Nightmare looked back over at Michael and gave him a small smile.

"I-it's fine, I understand. N-Nice to m-meet you both." Michael said, taking his hand out of Dreams and holding it out for Nightmare.

"Yeah, the pleasure is all mine." Nightmare said, reluctantly uncrossing his arms and shaking his hand. You were absolutely puzzled at Nightmare's behavior.
Michael continued to smile nervously, sweating slightly. You felt kind of bad so you decided to quickly change the subject.

"Anyway, Dream, your drink is a hot chocolate with tons of milk, marshmallows, and whipped cream." You said, Dream immediately trying it.

"And as for you Nightmare, yours is dark chocolate and has tons of marshmallows." You said while Dream was currently shaking in delight.
Nightmare gave you a gentle smile and he took a sip.

Both brothers came over to you and gave you a hug. In the hug, you looked over and saw Michael standing there looking at you, holding his arm.

"Aw, come here Michael!" You invited him into the hug and he nervously walked over to you, arms slightly open. Dream quickly welcomed him while Nightmare scoffed and squeezed you tighter. You blushed in response.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now