Chapter 8- Pancake

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You awake to a few sun rays hitting your eyes, coming in through your slightly open window curtains.
You sit up on your bed as you slowly come to your senses.
The memories of your nightmare and Nightmare comforting you flooding back. You quickly get out of bed and change into something more proper for the day.

While you were fixing up your hair, you realized that the air smelled faintly of pancakes. This intrigued you so you quickly finished and headed for the kitchen.

When you got there, you saw Nightmare at the stove. His back was facing you but you could still see that he was wearing an apron. You had to stop yourself from laughing as to not give yourself away yet.
Finally right behind him, you smile and tap his shoulder.

"Good mor-" You start to say, only for Nightmare to jump up at your sudden presence. Unfortunately for him though, he was in the middle of flipping a pancake. So when you scared him and he jumped, he had sent said breakfast up towards the ceiling.

You both look up and see that the pancake was now stuck to the ceiling and showed no signs of coming back down. After staring a bit longer at it, you start laughing and Nightmare soon does the same.

However, once you had both calmed down a bit and were catching your breaths, the pancake made its comeback.
It falls and lands with a loud slapping sound right on Nightmare's skull. The uncooked batter started dripping down his skull as he went silent. His whole face lighting up in his purple blush, watching as a few drops of the batter fall to the ground by his feet.

"Pffft- hahahaha!" You burst out laughing and despite the pancake on his skull, Nightmare joins in. The both of you laughed for a while and eventually you both calm down.

Opening your eyes from laughing so hard, you were even crying, you meet with Nightmare's glowing purple eye lights. You find yourself blushing when you see his smile and the blush on his face. You quickly turn around and grab a nearby rag.

Nightmare straightens himself up as you approach him and he quickly sets down the spatula he had on the counter.

You pick the pancake up and toss it into a bin and then remove Nightmare's crown, setting it down to the side. You take the rag in your hands and start to clean off his skull. Halfway though you notice that Nightmare had closed his eyes and was slightly leaning into your touch. The slight blush you already had only grew and you quickly finished cleaning him off before he would notice.

Running the rag under some water in the sink, Nightmare had gone back to the stove and finished whatever batter was left in the bowl. His crown was still off to the side, Nightmare too busy thinking to remember to put it back on.

You both continued to be silent up until you both had sat down at the table together. He sat down with you only to flinch when he sat down. You smirk at him when he reached his hand up to feel his head for his crown only for it to not be there. He quickly excuses himself from the table and hastily finds his crown and puts it back on.

When he sits back down you look up at him again and ask him a question that was on your mind for a while. All while trying not to laugh at what just happened.

"Where did you learn to make pancakes anyways?" You ask, cutting your pancakes only to see that they were perfectly cooked. And they were fluffy.
He look up to you with a bashful smile while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, I just read a cookbook you had laying around and just took it from there. I honestly just wanted to see if I could do it right." He admitted, picking up his silverware, perfectly fine now by the way. You smiled and raised the first piece to your mouth.

To say that it was good would be an understatement.

"Nightmare, this is amazing- I mean they're really good- no wait- they're delicious, oh I just, I-I....." To try to get your point across you stuff another forkful into your mouth and chew aggressively.
Good job.

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