Chapter 5- Tick Tock

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Insomnia struck again and you had just slipped into bed for the night.
After the long teaching session with Dream, you asked if he wanted to sleep yet. When he had said yes you showed him to your guest bedroom where you explained what a bed was and that he could sleep on it. Within a few minutes of laying down on it he fell asleep with a content look on his face.

You then proceeded to tuck him in properly and you even took of his crown thing and put it on the nightstand for him to be more comfortable. You felt like you had a little brother now, you like that feeling.
But now as your looking up at your ceiling, you just wish you could sleep like he could.
With a sigh you sit up and contemplate what you should do now.

You finally decided on just getting out of bed and going into your kitchen for your (F/D) to relax your body. You were starting to get a headache.

Once you had that, you went into the living room and turned on the TV. The light from it lit up the room and you proceeded to look at the clock.


You let out a groan as you realized you were going to be really tired in the morning. You started just think while the TV just provided quiet background noise. Pretty soon Nightmare entered you mind.

His royal looking clothes, along with his crown made him look like a prince. That beautiful shade of purple that were his eyes. The way he would smile while reading a book. That darn smile he gave you sometimes, it made you feel so warm in your chest.
His hands aswell. Whenever he held them, you felt like you never wanted to let go..... wait.


You just met him a few days ago.

No, you're not ready for that.

Upon realizing where this was going, you stopped yourself before you could go any further.

Switching off the TV and chugging down the last of your drink, you look back at the clock.


Humming to yourself, you start thinking and planning.
You work at 8:30
It takes you 40-45 minutes to get to the park; 30 if you run.
To be on time, leave at 7:00
Arrive at park around 7:40
Reach work at 8:20;10 minutes to spare.
Now you had a plan. Good.

You decide to take a shower so you could be fresh in the morning when Dream wakes up.

~~~~~~~~ Time Skip ~~~~~~~~

You finished your shower exactly at 3:30am and it took you 15 minutes to get ready.
You take this time to do whatever you want, trying to get your mind off the fact that you hadn't slept at all. Again.
You drew a bit, seeing you had drawn the tree and the brothers.
You read a nice book.
You did (A/A).

You quickly finished doing whatever you were doing and started making breakfast. You made the classic, eggs, bacon, and toast. It was just easier that way.


You just set the table when you looked up and realized that it was almost time to wake up Dream. You just made sure to have everything ready before going to get him. You hoped he wouldn't mind waking up so early.


Walking to the guest bedroom, you stooped in front of the door. You didn't want to chance being rude or anything so you knocked first. When you on heard snoring as a response, you opened the door slowly.
Dream was sprawled across the bed like a starfish while the blanket was all over the place, you had to hold in a chuckle.

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