Chapter 4- Fridge

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Without another thought about your idea you call the gardian brothers over where you were and they pause the conversation they were in and walk over to you.
"Hey guys, I just had an idea!" You say in excitement. You hope this will work out, you've never done something like this.

"Yeah (N/N)?" Dream said as he sat down in front of you, Nightmare next to him. Last night you had told the brothers they could call you (N/N) if they wanted too.

"Do you guys think you could come spend the night at my place, like a sleepover?" You ask, awaiting their answers. You got really nervous and started shaking a bit.
You saw them both smile, then frown. That caused you to start panicking and think that maybe you had scared them or done something weird. Before you could think any further, Dream spoke up.

"Me and my brother would love to but, we have to stay and guard the tree." Dream explained as you saw Nightmare just nod while he spoke.
You should have thought of that sooner dang it.

"Uh, umm, well how about you take turns!" You blurted out, not even thinking properly at this point.

"What do you mean by that?" Nightmare asked, tilting his head in curiosity. You couldn't help but think that it looked cute before starting to explain.

"Uh, I was thinking something like, one of you can stay at my house while the other stays here and then the next night you switch." You said surprised that you came up with such an idea. The brothers seemed to think over it for a second, looked at each other then looked at you, nodded their heads, and smiled.

"(N/N) you're a genius!" Nightmare praised as he gave you a quick little hug.

"Could I stay with you tonight then?" Dream asked as he looked at you and Nightmare.

To be honest, you wanted to stay with Nightmare first but Dream did ask first and you couldn't say no. You didn't want to hurt his feelings

"Uh, sure Dream." You quickly turned to Nightmare and give him a small smile.

"So will you be ok with guarding the tree till tomorrow morning Nightmare?" You asked him. He looked a little sad about something but he nodded anyway.

"Ok then, let's go (N/N)!!" Dream said as he took your hand and started running away from the tree, dragging you along with him. You saw his eyes turn into big yellow stars so you guessed he was really excited to have a sleepover with you. Before you got to far, you waved at Nightmare. He waved back and you saw him sit down next to the tree until he was no longer visable.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

You finally made to your house, panting since you and Dream had ran the whole way. You had to keep stopping to give him directions though, as he didn't know where you lived.

Anyway, as soon as you unlocked your door, you stumbled inside with what little energy you had left and face planted into the nearest couch.
You heard Dream laugh but you didn't really care at this point. You were tired and needed rest.
Dream decided to sit next to you while you tried to catch you breath, which was hard since your face was still in the couch. You sit up quickly so you can breath better and decide to turn on the TV. Upon doing so, you saw Dream jump a bit in fear which just confused you.

"Did the tv scare you?" You asked as you started to giggle a bit.

"Oh, is that wh-what that's called?" He asked in a genuinely scared/confused tone. That made you stop giggling.

"Wait, are you for real? You've never seen this before?" You asked, gesturing to the television.

"No, I lived my while life near the tree and outside around it along with Nightmare." Dream explained.
Of course! How could you be so naive.

"Oh my goodness! We're going to have so much fun now!" You yelled as you stood up from your seat. Dream soon followed suit and you dragged him to the kitchen. You felt you had made the right choice seeing as he almost immediately started looking at everything.

"You can point out whatever you want and I'll help explain what that object does, what it's called, and if possible even show you how it works." You explained and Dream's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Thanks so much (Y/N)!" Dream yelled as he scanned over the room for something to start with. He pointed at the fridge.

"What's that?" He asked and you proceeded to explain everything you could about how the fridge worked and then showed him the contents within.

"Oh, is that cake?! I love cake!" He yelled with joy.

"Huh? How do you know what a cake is?" You asked is a curious tone, taking said cake out while you were at it.
It was (C/F).

"Humans bring me this all the time and I share it with my brother. I sometimes ask why they never brought Nightmare his own but they always say they only had enough to make one or something like that." He explained as he looked at the cake again.

This made you wonder about what exactly these people thought about the guardian brothers. Why would they only give Dream cakes and stuff? Why not Nightmare?
Frick, when the tree shifts from being perfectly split does that mean people were bullying Nightmare?
Oh boy, if I see anyone even try to mess with him, I might just have to kick their a-!
Huh? Oh wait, that's your name.

"O-Oh, sorry Dream. What were you saying?" You asked, slightly embarrassed. He just gave you a confused stare then turned back to what he was facing. The toaster.

"What's that?" He asked as he bounded over to it. You put on a smile again and walked over to him. This was going to be a long evening.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now