Chapter 19- Fading

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You were breathing hard, having backed yourself into a corner of your room at this point. It was so dark. Too dark. You actually weren't even sure if you were breathing at all.

Oh look at how scared you are, it's simply delicious.

You wanted to scream. You wanted to run. You wanted to cry. You wanted to give up. You wanted anything but to be here right now.

"Why don't you just go away! Leave--
Leave me alone!!" You frantically begged the creature. But of course, it was all in vain.
It only laughed once more, such a sound ringing around in your head as well as the room itself.


Nightmare stood up now, walking over to stand in front of the tree. He had no problem seeing it as his eyes were always used to very low lighting. He wasn't sure why but he felt the need to turn towards the town for a moment, his gaze in the general direction of where your house was.
He was thinking of you again.

After a moment of looking and a little longing, he turned toward the tree again. He stared at it, no where in particular. The wind rustling through the leaves gently. The sound only mildly comforting to him.

No one was around. Dream had yet to return and Nightmare knew that it sometimes took a while for dream to heal people, especially if they were extremely ill.
Maybe he could try now?
There's no harm in trying, right?

So why couldn't he do it?

If this was supposed to do nothing but good for him, why is he hesitating so much?

Nightmare clenched his jaw and slight frustration. This was just another hopeless idea for him. Nothing but another stupid wish that would never come close to coming true. Sighing as he went back to sit by the tree, he looked out towards the town again. His Soul ached. It longed. It wept. He just wanted to be accepted. To at least be liked by the people. What did he ever do that was so wrong in the first place?

Light, translucent purple tears dripped onto his hands before he even realize he was crying. He looks down at where they fell, now feeling more of them build up in his sockets. It was then that he felt an overwhelming wave of sadness and despair crash into him.

However, since no one was around, he let it happen. He cried silently at first but the longer he let himself go, the longer the tears trailed down his face and he was left shaking due to how hard he was crying. He screamed a couple times so he moved his hands to cover his mouth.
He was just a poor little soul in pain.
And in this moment, it hurt so much.

You have to get out of here. You didn't know how but you just had to. The spirit had since gone silent once it stopped laughing but you knew very well it was still here, you could feel it.

Using the wall behind you, you shakily slid up along it to stand. Once on your feet, you slowly and carefully make your way to the door. Maybe if you could at least just get out of your room....

Even though the house had fallen completely silent now, your head continue to replay the spirit's haunting laugh over and over and over again. You weren't even sure if it was really you anymore or if the spirit had to come back to torment your mind again. Either way, it didn't stop or help much as you were struggling to get to the door. You've never felt so scared before. You felt like you were carrying the weight of several chains. The very fact that you were having such a hard time walking only scared you more. What was happening to you?

You fumbled with opening the door but once it was open you quickly pushed yourself through it. Having used so much force to get out of the room, you collapsed on the floor below you. At least you were out. There were more windows in your living room so some of the light from the stars and moon outside came in. It managed to calm you down a bit and you noticed that the laughing in your head had stopped.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now