Chapter 24- Learning

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Calming down from what could best be described as a blind rage, Nightmare tried to take in his surroundings now. Everything around him looked unfamiliar but he didn't worry about it. A part of him was glad he could finally have some peace and quiet.
No more loud, obnoxious sounds. No more worries.

He could tell it was quite dark wherever he was yet he didn't find his vision any less limited because of it. Well, more than it already was that is. Looking around, he took note that he couldn't see anything to his right and upon lifting a hand to where his right eye should be, he was met with nothing but goop there. The same tar like substance that seemed to cover his whole form.
Did he mind? No.

Exhaling slowly, he then turned his attention to his back. He observed the tentacle-like appendages that were hanging limp behind him. They were long enough to slightly drag on the ground.

Curious, he thought about moving one of them and after a few twitches, the limb he was focusing on slowly rose and moved however he willed it. He tested a few sways with it and soon occupied himself with eventually being able to move all of them. There were four in total.

Once he was comfortable enough with how he felt controlling his tentacles, he relaxed them behind him and focused on his environment again.
Well, nothing better to do now than explore, he figured.

It didn't take long for Nightmare to find that there wasn't really much here.
Well... besides the dark skies that appeared to have an almost red hue at times and the trees that were pitch black in color but lacking signs of life. He noted that even the ground below him looked black.
Yet, the water was different.
When he came across a fair sized body of water, he almost wasn't sure what it was at first.
It was beautiful and puzzling.

The surface of what he guessed was a lake was almost completely still, a very occasional ripple or two running along it. As he stepped closer, he also noticed that the edges glowed lightly, not in any color as far as he could tell. It was almost like it was radiating something. What that something was, he had no clue.
And as for the body of water itself, peering over the edge and into it looked as though one were gazing up at a perfectly starry night instead.
Nightmare had never seen such a wonderous thing before. He swore he could see very galaxies from within.

Slightly mesmerized after looking at it for a moment, he tentatively extended a tendril towards the almost pristine surface. He knew not what to expect but upon dipping below the calm water, it rippled greatly as compared to before and started to morph into something as Nightmare fell to his knees, feeling as though he were suddenly dropped from a large height.
Before he could form a question in his own mind about what just happened, his single eye widened at the scene before him.


In place of a void filled with countless stars, he now saw himself. Not a reflection of his current form, but instead the way he looked before. Before the life he knew crumbled before him. And it wasn't even just him, along with him he saw Dream

The name left his mouth before he could stop himself.

There the three of you stood, the tree of feelings off to the side as he stood there with Y/n in his embrace and Dream nearby smiling like he usually would. The ground below was covered in an abundance of beautiful flowers. It wasn't a memory as far as he could tell, but it was an almost warming image to him anyways.

However, in less than a couple seconds since the image appeared, he quickly ripped his tentacle out of the water and back to him, a scowl on his face now.
This was nonsense and he knew it. He had better things to do then stay looking at this strange lake.

With his tentacles swaying behind him in an aggravated way, he walked away from the strange lake without so much as a glance back as the water settled to it's original look.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now