Chapter 17- The Public Eye

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Locking the door behind you, you turn back to see Michael isn't standing on your doorstep anymore.

"Hey, where'd Michael go?" You asked, speaking to either or both of the brothers.
Night shrugged while Dream looked up.

"Oh, he went over to his house to get ready, he said he'd be back quickly." Dream said, pointing towards Michael's house as he spoke.

"Ok then, we can sit while we wait for him if you'd like." You offered as you sat down on the step in front of the door.

"Ok." Both of the guardians answered, both sitting to the right of you.

You looked up.
After breakfast, all of the guys had helped you clean up and then waited for you to finish preparing for work. Nightmare had even changed back to his normal clothes. Your breakfast was had a bit earlier then most typical breakfast times, but at least you could watch the sky as the sun rose.

The sky was currently still mostly dark along with multiple, still visible stars.
The night was slowly making way for the day and the day was ready to take it.
You loved it since it showed that everything held a balance.
Nothing really lasted forever.

"Ok, sorry to make you guys wait." Michael said as he jogged back to you guys.

"Oh no it's ok, it gave me a chance to look at the sky anyways." You said, everyone taking a look up as you spoke about it.

"Dawn really is a special time to be awake." Dream said, his eyes catching a few birds starting to fly around.

"I'll say." Michael said, looking over at what Dream was looking at.

"It truly is beautiful." Nightmare commented last, his voice sounding like only half his mind had answered. The rest of his mind was clearly occupied by the surrounding sky.

The shifting of colors were ever so mesmerizing, you had a hard time getting back your focus. With the sun getting higher in the sky, you knew you had to keep moving.

"Alright guys, we'd better get going if me and Michael are gonna make it to work on time." You finally spoke, effectively getting everyone's attention.

They all agreed and you took lead as the group walked into town.
Not many people were out at the moment, not that you really expected any in the first place. Actually thinking about it now, it probably was for the better that not many people were up. Seeing both guardians away from the tree could spark ideas in others minds.
That wouldn't end well.

Soon arriving at your destination, Michael  sped forward and opened the door, holding it open for everyone. He smiled kindly as you all passed through. You found yourself smiling back.

"(Y/N)! How are you feeling this morning?" You hear your boss greet you as the door shuts, the bell on it ringing.

"I'm doing much better, thanks Ross." You said, giving him a small smile and wave.

"Wonderful, just wonderful. Some folks really missed you around here. Your cooking has really become own main attraction." Your boss continued to praise you. It caused that feeling of joy to return.

"Gee, thank you sir. I'll certainly keep doing my best." You responded, turning back to your friends as Ross turned and left for his office.

"So, since you two have a while before the shield runs out, you wanna just stick around here?" You asked, referring to the two skeletons as Michael walked off to the back.

"Oh sure! I wanna see just how happy your food makes people." Dream said, going off to take a seat in one of the booths.

"I suppose it would be interesting to watch how humans and monsters socialize over a meal." Night somewhat muttered, walking thoughtfully over to where Dream was. You just smiled lightly at both of them.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now