Chapter 11- Flower Crowns

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The sun rose only for you to turn your back on it.
You didn't sleep one bit.

It's ok, nothing you haven't done before.
You don't need sleep.

You pull yourself out of your messy bed and get ready for work. You didn't need to go for another 5 hours but you didn't care. More time to mope around in your sorrow and grief.
What else could you do? Socialize?!


Right, you had friends now.


Of course you did. Who were they again?
Nighttime and Daytime?
No, that wasn't it.
Purple and Yellow?
No, that's not it either.

Your sleep deprived mind was having trouble working it seemed. You just put your toothbrush in your messy hair.
That's not right either.

Heading into your kitchen, your brain seemed to start gaining its bearings back as you stopped yourself from pouring the milk first into your bowl. Wow, imagine the disaster of pouring the milk before the cereal.

You poured your preferred choice of cereal in the bowl and then put the milk in. Good, breakfast was handled now. You eat it, put the empty bowl in the freezer and head for the door.

Stepping outside you realized it was a bit cold out. Maybe you should go back in for a jacket?
Nah, you're already outside.

You rub your exposed arms to try to conserve heat and walk down your driveway. You looked over and laughed, you didn't even have a car.
While you were walking down the sidewalk to the park, someone tapped you on the shoulder.

Out of reflex, you promptly elbowed whoever it was in the stomach which earned you their respective grunt of pain. Lol.

"(Y/N), ow, it's just me. Oh I think that going to bruise." A familiar voice whimpered. You turned around and saw that it was Michael.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry Michael. Are you ok?" You quickly asked, going over to his side and putting one of his arms around your shoulder. Oops, looks like you were too strong.

"H-Honestly? Uh, not really. I'm in an incredible amount of pain." Michael admitted, leaning on you while he still clutched his stomach with his other arm.

"Geez, I'm sorry. Really, I truly am." You said once again. You really felt bad.

"It's alright, it was my fault anyways. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that." He said, standing up a bit straighter as the pain sort of numbed down.

"Ok, anyways, did you want to go to the tree with me? Maybe Sunshine or Moonbeam can help you." You said, hoping you got their names right. Though, the look Michael was giving you told you otherwise.

"Uh, so you mean Dream and Nightmare?" Michael asked hesitantly.
Oh, right, those were MUCH better names for them.

"Yeah, right. I was just.......testing you! Makin' sure that noggin of yours remembered my only other friends." You said, the drowsiness coming back.

"Only other friends?" Michael looked at you worried. You realized you fricked up.

"Uh, you know what, forget I said that. Shhhhh, just forget everything." You tried, putting a finger over his lips to silence him. You started walking for the park again and took your finger back. Michael was blushing a lot. He didn't know what to do with you in this state.

Eventually the two of you reach the park and upon doing so, you almost dropped Michael.
Surrounding the tree was a beautiful array of flowers of all sorts. You could tell from where you were that they even seemed to sparkle a bit. You were shocked, there was no way any flowers would be blooming around this time, it was too cold.

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