Chapter 21- Awaken

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You slowly wake up to the chill of a cold breeze blowing over you, sitting up slowly and trying to open your eyes a bit.
You noticed that you were in an area completely covered in snow and a lot of trees on either side of where you currently were.

Which, now that you think about it more....
Where are you?

The biting cold and slowly arising questions in your mind made sure to get you fully awake, now attempting to get up from your sitting position.

Once on your feet, you take more of a look around yourself only to see nothing new from what you've already seen or even any clues that could tell you where you are.

While taking in your surroundings, a shiny, silver necklace that you were wearing got your attention.
Grabbing it from the bottom to examine it, you notice that it was a simple silver chain with a small apple pendant which you were currently holding.

It was obviously yours since it was around your neck, yet it seemed unfamiliar.
Something about it wanted to pick at memories you didn't have, seeming to only bring up your name and the feeling that you weren't supposed to be here.

Hmm, it seemed to fit you supposed.

Well, considering you had no idea who you even were before that is.

Deciding on moving on before you let yourself into an inner crisis, you let go of the necklace, letting it hang as the accessory should and started walking forwards along the snow.

The snow wasn't too deep so you didn't have much of a problem walking through it, the only thing still bothering you being the cold.

Too bad you didn't have a jacket but you were thankful for at least having long sleeves. Though regular looking jeans were ok too, along with a basic looking pair of black sneakers.

After getting slightly distracted with the basic clothes you had on, you noticed something up ahead of where you were walking, speeding up your pace to get a closer look.

It looked like a few random wooden pillars.
Wondering what they were here for, you curiously ran a hand down along the surface of them.

"H u m a n."

You froze upon hearing a deep voice behind you.
Not only that but it had said human so they were most likely talking to you.
However, that also meant, whoever was behind you... wasn't human.
At that thought, you would've shivered if you weren't already from the cold.

"D o n 't y o u k n o w h o w t o g r e e t a n e w p a l?"
Almost literally knowing nothing but fear right now, you didn't give them a response.

"T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d."
You figured you might as well listen to them as, well, you had no idea what else to do otherwise.

Facing them now, you could only make out their figure due to the apparently convenient way the shadows fell over them, not allowing you to see much else besides the hand they were holding out for you.

With hesitation and a slightly shaky hand, you reach out to take their hand, earning yourself a mix of confusion and a mini heart attack.
The cause?
A mere whoopie cushion.

Even if you somehow didn't know what that was, the stranger with a deep voice told you with a chuckle anyways, taking a couple steps forward into the light now, your response being to take a couple back.

"heh, whoopie cushion in the hand trick, never gets old."

Holy frick this guy was a skeleton??-

"name's sans, sans the skeleton. Though, judging from the look on your face, you could tell that."
He chuckled again, your mind sent in a flurry of confusion and embarrassment.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now