Chapter 26- Encounter

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Something had called him here, he was sure of it. Nightmare didn't know what it was but he had felt a particularly strong pull from this place.

Somewhat echoing footsteps followed him as he looked around the golden hallway he'd found himself in.
Windows to the left let in what appeared to be sunlight while thick pillars on both sides showed to be supporting this whole place.

Nightmare froze after he passed another set of pillars, he had seen something.
His tentacles raised slightly, ready for either defense or attack whilst his teal eye scanned for more movement.
There was certainly something else in here, they were most likely hiding among the large pillars.

Jumping out from the shadows, Nightmare saw the blur of something red before he felt a small sting from one of his tendrils. It hardly hurt much at all but he noticed that a little less than half of it had been cut off, the rest of it lay squirming on the floor.

Once again it was silent. Nightmare narrowed his eye and reformed the rest of his damaged tentacle, a very slight smile on his face, not to be mistaken for one from joy as he looked around again.

"So, you wish to play hide and seek? This should be fun."
Nightmare spoke loud enough so that whoever else was here with him could hear.

A slight snicker was heard, giving a hint to where the other person was, Nightmare turning in said direction.

"Hide and seek? You should know I'm very good at that game."
The voice echoed back in response after seeming to find this amusing.
Nightmare could feel no fear from them.

"We'll see about that."
The lone king more of muttered, his body now itching for a fight.

Suddenly, the blur of red from before moved from a pillar on the right to one on the left.
Having caught the movement this time, Nightmare was quick to follow after.

It was only then that he could finally see who his potential opponent was. He reached out to pull the back of their jacket towards him while two of his tentacles quickly grabbed them by their ankles and flipped him upside down.

Taking advantage of them being surprised and dangling in front of him, he took a better look. They were a skeleton too.

This skeleton didn't seem to have any eyelights, in fact, they had some sort of black liquid coming out of them instead. He doubted they were blind though since he was able to react to attack him in the first place, wielding a knife in each hand.
As for the red blur he had seen earlier, the source of it was now evidently from two red circles in front of their chest.
The rest of his appearance was nothing special, his clothes consisting of a very casual blue jacket, a white T-shirt and white shorts with black lines on the sides, along with untied sneakers.

Almost as soon as Nightmare was done taking note of all this, the stranger seemed to regain his senses and once again swiped at Nightmare's tentacles, getting himself dropped as Nightmare hissed and his tentacles recoiled.

Once they were on the ground again, they wasted no time in trying to run off. Not wanting to allow it, Nightmare once again quickly followed after them. After running around a few pillars, the other skeleton tried to change things up by running towards a door.

"You can't escape me you know!"
Nightmare taunted from behind them, staying right on their trail.

"I can try!"
They called back at his pursuer, the scenery around them changing.

The overall colors shifted from a golden yellow to a more dull grey. Buildings and streets replacing pillars and tiles. Though the places that they could hide now increased, Nightmare found this environment more fitting for himself to fight in. He was starting to get sick of the light from before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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