Chapter 13- Dreaded Echoes

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Slowly but surely, she will break.

You felt like you had woken up but you somehow knew you were still asleep. You take a look around, taking note that there was literally nothing but black around you.
Awake but not.
A lucid dream maybe?

Wanting to find out, you think about the park and the tree. They show up.

With a smile you thank whatever being let you have such a lucky break today and run off to the tree. You thought of the flowers from earlier and they popped out of the ground. You remembered your crown and it showed up on your head once more.

Before you could think of anything else however, the dreaded sound of glass shattering and metal crashing filled the area. The source of the sound came from behind you but you dared not look.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar, comforting voice came from beside you. You quickly look over to see Nightmare.

Relieved, you quickly pull him to you in a tight embrace. You're about to ask what he's doing here when you're violently shoved away from him. He looks down at you in disgust. Your eyes widen in fear and confusion while your heart sinks in your chest.

"Don't ever touch me again you vile human. You're just like the others." Nightmare said, his dull purple eyes seemingly piercing your very soul. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes before you can stop them. The flowers on your head wilted.

"Nightmare?........but.....I didn't-" Your shaky voice was cut off by Nightmare as he continued. The petals from your once loved hand crafted crown falling before your eyes.

"You hurt me. Just like you hurt them. I thought I could trust you. WE thought we could trust you." At the mention of we, Dream appeared next to Nightmare but he seemed ghost like.

Confused and in shock, you stand there, trying to figure out what's happening when the world around you starts shifting.

Smoke is billowing into the sky along with a few screams of pain and agony. Still on the hill where the tree is, you can't see where exactly the source of the smoke is. But you do notice something else.

Next to you, the tree had been reduced to nothing but a severely splintered stump. The beautiful feild was now filled with dead grass and blood. Nightmare and Dream were gone now. A trail of dead flowers appearing before you. You hesitantly followed them.

Stopping where the flowers stopped, you looked up and almost screamed. Two cars. Both on fire. The screams coming within stopping suddenly.
You feel something at your feet.

You look down only to be horrified. The mangled bodies of your family were right at your feet, your little brothers bloody hand wrapping around your ankle. You scream. You're dreams never turned so sour before.

"You've forgotten about me, haven't you." The voice of your brother echoed in the air, he sounded hurt.

"Of course she did, she's got other people to hurt too." You sister, limped towards you, blood dripping down from the side of her head. Her body seemed just as broken as your brother's. She sounded dead, but her voice also echoed.

Next, you turned your head only to see your mother laying on the ground. She wasn't moving. You managed to pull you leg away from your now motionless brother on the ground and you hesitantly walk over to your mom.

"M-Mom?" You asked, hoping she actually wouldn't answer. Not like your siblings did.

She didn't respond in the slightest. You back up in tears, you wanted to wake up. Why couldn't someone come wake you up now?

"That's ok (Y/N), you can stay here. With us." You saw a ghostly skeletal hand being placed on your shoulder, reflexively looking to the side to see it was Dream again.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now