Chapter 1- Insomnia

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    You stare up at the ceiling, another sleepless night thanks to insomnia and bad dreams. Dreams? Sorry, more like Nightmares. You didn't always hate nightmares though, you just don't like them all the time. Nightmares are like the vegetables of life, you need them, no matter how sweet and delightful life can be, you can't have it all the time and you need a good reminder of how bitter it can be. You need that dosage to keep yourself balanced in life. Maybe that's why you like them. Maybe because they reminded you that you were alive. You were never really sure though.

    You finally decided to get out of bed, giving up on the sleep that would never come. Looking over at your clock, you see it's almost 6 am. Yeah,you didn't sleep at all.
Getting out of bed you do your morning routine and put on a pot of coffee to keep you awake for the day. If you weren't careful, you would get addicted to this stuff and you didn't exactly want that. Once you were ready to go though you quickly drank the bitter liquid, grabbed your keys, and headed out the door.

    As you stepped out a cool breeze hit your tired body. Winter was just around the corner and you'd need a jacket soon and maybe a hat. You looked at your watch and saw you still had a bit of time before heading to work so you walked over to your city's park, your favorite place to be.
You sat down on your usual bench where you could see the tree with gold and dark apples from. The bench you sat on though wasn't too close to the tree and you looked to admire it from a distance. You've never walked over to the tree before. Instead you liked to sit here and wonder how the tree could keep itself perfectly split between the light and dark apples. What caught your curiosity more though was the fact that you swear you could see the dark side become slightly bigger for a while, then go back to normal.

    You suddenly felt your phone vibrate, telling you that it was time to go to work. You sigh as you get up from the bench, silently saying goodbye to the tree like always.
You walked down the street towards where you worked, passing humans and monsters alike as they did whatever they wanted to do today. You felt a strange tug at your heart as you looked at them while you slipped by, unnoticed as if you were a shadow. You continued to walk a little more until you spotted the familiar little cafe in the distance. You walked a little faster to make it to work on time.

    As you entered the cafe you were unnoticed again while you clocked in, put on your apron and hairnet, and walked into the kitchen. You felt lucky that you didn't have the waitress job or else you were sure that you'd wouldn't even have a job anymore. With the lack of sleep lately, you were sure that you looked absolutely awful right now.
                                                 ------------ work time skip ------------
Your shift was almost over and you were ready to go home. You had been cooking all day and you smelled like a potluck. After making one last plate of burgers and fries you left the kitchen to clock out and head home. Once you stepped outside though, you decided to go to the park first.

    Once you got close enough to see the park entrance you noticed that something felt off. As soon as you set foot into the park, you started to walk slower. You heard what sounded like an angry mob? Sure you knew what they might sound like from movies and stuff but hearing something like it in real life made your heart drop. You really didn't like how it sounded so you started running towards the tree to see what exactly was happening.

    After running for a bit you find yourself stopping at your usual bench. From there you could hear the mob. It really was an angry one. Along with catching your breath, you look around a little and also noticed that the dark side of the tree was bigger again. That served as your final motivation to go to the tree. Taking one last deep breath you resumed your run until you made it to the edge of the circle that was made up of humans and monsters. Looking through the gaps between them you could see that they were yelling and insulting a poor skeleton monster next to the tree.

    Feeling a strange pull on your soul towards the skeleton, you pushed and shoved your way through the crowd. Once through, you saw that the skeleton had curled up into a ball on the ground and was crying. You wasted no more time and ran up to him, kneeled down, and brought him towards you, hugging him to your chest. You proceeded to yell at the crowd to stop. After a few rocks and even a book hit you, the people and monsters stopped and they're yelling had reduced to angry/confused murmurs.
The skeleton looked up at you with grateful eyes and hugged you back as you began to yell at the crowd.

"What's wrong with you guys?! Why are you hurting him?!" You yelled loudly. This caused everyone to go silent as you too were surprised how loud you were. The skeleton was crying into your shoulder quietly now.

"Well if you have no reason then why are you doing it?!!"
More silence.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves!" You said as rage continued to build up inside you. When you were once met with silence you reached into your bag and wrapped your finger around your phone.

"Fine, I don't need your stupid reasons why you did what you did! All I know is that every single last one of you better leave before I call the police!" You said, taking out your phone for emphasis.
At this the crowd started mumbling 'sorry' and 'It won't happen again' before they all dispursed, leaving you with the still crying skeleton.

"Hey, it's ok now, they're gone." You said in a considerably quieter tone then just a few seconds ago while you gently moved his head up to look at you. Your eyes locked with his adorable looking purple eyes as you looked him over for any injuries. You saw that he had a few scuff marks on his cheeks.
You softly rubbed his face with your hands where the marks were and also wiped away his purple tears. You could feel him lean against your touch before he hugged you again.

"Thank you, thank you so much." You heard him say as you hugged him back. You sat down with him, your back against the tree, as you continued to comfort him.

"You're welcome, you don't deserve what just happened to you." With that you let go of him and moved so that the two of you were resting up against the tree, looking at the perfect split once again.

"My name is (Y/N). What's yours?" You ask. He smiled at you before answering.

"My names Nightmare."

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now