Chapter 3- Waking up

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You wake up with the sun shining in your eyes so you move your hand to block the Ray's from pestering you further. As you moved you hand, it brushed up against something and when you turned your head to see what it was, you came face to face with a sleeping Nightmare.
You felt your face get warm, signalling that you were blushing. You try to calm your racing heart as you slowly sit up, trying not to wake up Dream or Nightmare.

Successful in not waking them up, you stand up and take a good look at the beautiful tree in front of you.
You reach out to touch the bark for the tree only to be surprised when you felt how smooth it was. You found yourself keeping your hand on the tree but the longer you kept it there, you stared to feel weird. You sit down and scoot closer to the tree, still keeping your hand on it, and focus of the weird feeling. FeelingS?
Now there was more then one.

Curious, you move your hand towards the lighter side of the tree.
You started to feel Happy?
You noticed they were all positive emotions. You hadn't felt those in a very long time and the longer you stayed there, the more they seemed to fill your very being. It was starting to get overwhelming so you quickly pulled your arm away. All those feelings leaving just a quickly as they came.

Taking a moment to process what just happened, you move your hand back towards the tree but, you place you hand on the darker side. Another wave of emotions washes over you but this time they were ones like Sadness.
These emotions didn't overwhelm you like the positive ones had. In fact most of them were familiar and you sympathized with all of them. It was comforting in a way that you couldn't explain.
You sat there for a while, sympathizing and understanding every single negative emotion, until you heard movement behind you. You quickly pull your hand away from the tree, hoping that whoever woke up, didn't see you and think you were weird for sitting there and touching a tree.

"H-Hey, good morning!" You said, scolding yourself for stuttering.

"Good morning (Y/N)." You turned to see who it was and found that Nightmare was the one to wake up. You felt yourself unvolutaraly blush at the sight of his drowsy face. He yawned and stretched as you quickly shook the thoughts out of your head. You just met and you're just friends you said in your head as you felt the heat leave your face.
Nightmare gave you a weird look as you got up and walked over to sit next to him. Sitting in a comfortable silence for a while, Nightmare took a chance as he moved his hand to hold yours with an ever so slight blush on his cheek bones.
You felt his hand grab yours but you let him hold it as you subconsciously give his boney hand a squeeze. You two just stayed like that for what seemed like forever while you both just looked at the sky. The moment was over all too soon for you though as you both heard Dream wake up on the other side of the tree and Nightmare let go of your hand. You feel yourself longing for him to hold it again, even if you didn't know why.

"Good morning brother!" Nightmare said to his brother who was slowly sitting up and rubbing his eye sockets.

"Good morning to you too brother!" Dream answered back to his brother before he went for a hug. Their crowns made a slight clanking sound as Nightmare gladly hugged back but, you saw him frown for a second before going back to smiling, releasing his brother from the hug.

                                                   --------TimeSkip --------

It was about to get dark again but you wanted to go home tonight also, you had work tomorrow. You had spent all day with the guardian brothers as you watched several humans and monsters come and play in the field in front of the tree or talk to Dream. The only thing that bothered you was that no one even so much as looked at Nightmare, and those who did just glared at him.

Because of that you sat by Nightmare's side all day as he read a book while leaning on his side of the tree. You had even read a little with him at some point, it surprised you how much he loved books and how smart he was cause of that. It sort of impressed you.

You suddenly had a great idea, what if you invite them to stay at your place for the night?

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now