Chapter 9- A Newbie

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When you walked into the restaurant, the smell of fired up grills and bacon immediately took a hold of your senses.
You breathed in deeply and a smile ghosted your face as you walked towards the back. You almost made it when you suddenly heard someone shout.

"Hey! Look out-!"

Something slammed into your side and you fell along with several dishes. The broken fragments of what they once were spilled all around you and you felt all eyes fall on you and your also, now wet, self.

"Oh my gosh, I-I'm so so so sorry." You looked up at see that the thing, now a who, that bumped into you was a guy.

Said guy held out his hand to help you up and you gratefully accepted. As you got back on your feet you brushed off any broken shards of glass on your shirt.

"I am so sorry ma'am. I will clean all of this up and I'll even pay for your outfit." The man quickly said, hastily helping you brush yourself off. The shock finally wore off and you finally replied.

"Oh it's alright, accidents happen. As long as we're still alive, right?" You said, feeling yourself blush ferociously and sweat due to all the pairs of eyes on you. You were not one for attention.

Your anxiety induced humor seemed to have got him as he laughed a bit. Some pressure was relived when you felt some eyes go back to their meal.
Your boss quickly came out and stood next to you.

"Young man, I do hope that you plan on cleaning all this up and paying for the damage. However, since this is your first day, I'll reduce what you have to pay a bit." He said, a calm kind of anger in his tone.

Taking this time, you fully looked at the man and took in his appearance. He was an average sized looking male which, unfortunately, ment that he was taller then you. He wore leopard print glasses and had a full head of curly, messy,chocolate brown hair. His eyes were a very alluring blue and he even had a few freckles on his cheeks. He was wearing a light brown turtleneck with a darker shade of brown for his pants. Over all of this was a black apron that had your jobs' logo on it along with a name tag that indicated that he did in fact work here.

His name was Michael.

"And I do hope you already apologized to miss (Y/N) over here." Your boss had finished his rambling and Michael just looked down while rubbing the back of his neck, lightly blushing from embarrassment.

"Yes sir, I will pay for all the damage and I have already apologized." He said, being handed a broom from one of his fellow employees.

"It's alright Mr. Ross. He already said sorry and he even offered to pay for my clothing." You said, hoping to get him of Michael's back. It was his first day after all.

"Ok, if you say so." With that said Ross went back to his office. Looking down at yourself to survey the damage, you understood why Michael offered to pay for it, there was a huge purple stain on your shirt, presumably grape juice.

"I know I've said it a lot already but I really am sorry." He said, once more, already busy sweeping away.

"Hey, it's alright. Really, it's ok." You said, turning to walk away. You still had a job to do.

"W-Wait! My name is Michael by the way. You're head cook (Y/N), correct?" He said, stopping his sweeping to catch your sleeve. You looked at him, pretending that you didn't already know his name.

"Yes, I am, but please don't let my title scare you." You told him, really hoping those around you really weren't affected by your new title.
The last thing you wanted was a bad or scary impression of you.
You'd rather be invisible.

"I'd just like to say that I enjoy working here and I hope we can become friends?" He asked, holding his hand out for a shake.

"I'd live to be your friend. You seem like a good person." You finally said after forcing down your anxiety, shaking his hand.

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