Chapter 14- Play Pretend

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You were busy running around your house, getting it ready for you last minute planned sleepover. You had watched enough movies to know what you needed in order to have the best fun filled night ever.

During this time, Night and Michael had settled down on the couch. Michael was engrossed on watching you scurry about and Night was reading one of his books. As for Dream, he was happily helping you gather any and all soft materials in your home.

So far, the pile was big enough to actually almost reach your roof.
It was quite the spectacle.

"Ok (N/N), I've got the last blanket!" Dream proclaimed loudly as he layed it down near the base of the structure.

"Good job, thanks for the help Dream." You thanked him as you brushed away some sweat off your forehead.
Yes, you were indeed sweating.

"So, what exactly is the purpose of all this?" Night asked as he closed his book and set it off to the side. Michael was staring at the impressive pile, puzzled on how it hadn't fallen yet.

"Honestly.......I'm not to sure myself." You admitted shyly. That didn't mean you couldn't come up with ways to use them though.

".....If you don't know why'd you do it?!" Night asked, absolutely baffled at your brash actions. Though, he had to admit to himself, the look on your face right now was absolutely adorable.

"I, I don't know! All the movies I've watched had a TON of pillows and blankets in them." You said, using wild hand gestures to emphasize how you were feeling.

"Fear not dear brother and friends, I am sure we can come up with a creative solution for all of this." Dream said, his head popping out from the middle of the pile. Michael jumped due to Dream's unexpected location.

Seriously, how was this thing still standing?

"That's the spirit Dream! I knew I could count on you." You praised, walking over to him and giving his skull an affectionate rub. He just, somehow, started vibrating and dissapeared back into the pillows. You slowly draw back your hand, a mix of confusion and fear evident on your face.

"Oh the pain, once again bested by my brother." Nightmare moked pain as he placed one hand on his chest and the other over his forehead.
"I thought I was special to you!" Night exclaimed, a playful aura around him as he fell back onto the couch.

You fake a gasp and run over to him, a goofy smile showing. You kneel on the ground next to where he is on the couch and see him faking being dead.
You flinch a bit before you remember that you're just playing.

"Oh no, I never meant for this to happen. Quick, someone get a medic!" You cry out, gesturing to Dream, who was currently watching the 'play' from the side.

"O-Oh, yes! Will do!" Dream jumped into action, gladly playing along with you guys. He ran over to Michael who was trying not to laugh.

"Doctor quick! My dear brother is suffering from heartbreak, you have to do something!" Dream said, dragging Michael over to you and Night. Michael tried pulling his arm away for a second but he quickly gave in.

"I'll do my best, the world depends on it." Michael said, pushing up his glasses with his free hand. He sat down next to you on the floor and "Inspected" Nightmare.

"Everyone back, I need space to work and it looks like he doesn't have much time left." Michael said in a deeper voice, clearly taking his role to heart.
You gasp again.

"No, not my Nighty!" You cried out, adding fake crying sounds. You swear you saw Night's cheeks turn a faint purple.

"Who will watch the moon with me? Who will read cringey fanfiction and fix their plots with me? Who!" You continued, Michael actually laughed, quickly trying to stop. Dream stood in a heroic position.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now