Chapter 7- How Ironic

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After the sun had fully set and the sky had gone dark, with the moon and stars standing out, you and Nightmare had left for your home.
No words were exchanged between you and Nightmare. Instead you both settled for walking in silence while looking up at the world around you in awe.

The world, your town, at night seemed to be a completely different place once the sun set. Most shops were closed and the creatures of the night would take over the noise making. The air was cooler and strangely smelled like fresh water. The jacket you had on was serving its purpose as you barely felt cold at all. As for Nightmare, he was a skeleton so you figured he couldn't feel cold, also he was walking just fine.

On that thought, you take a glance at him and see that his purple eyes seem to glow in the dark as he scanned the scenery around him. His pupils wide, signifying that he had great interest in what he was seeing. You bet that your eyes were doing the same thing right now.

For the stars and stuff though, not Nightmare.

Anyways, you had finally reached your house and the sound of you unlocking the door seemed to snap Nightmare out of whatever trance he was in. You could feel him watching you intently from behind your back but you said nothing. Opening the door, you put everything where it belongs and you flopped onto your couch again.
Nightmare let's out a deep chuckle from watching you.

You sigh and sit up properly on the couch and you pat the cushion next to you. Nightmare comes over and sits next to you like you wanted. You lay back into the couch, relaxing your tense muscles best you could.

"So, you hungry?" You ask, thinking of stuff you could make.

"Uh, yeah, just a bit." You looked over at Nightmare to make sure he was fine since he sounded so hesitant when he answered you. He was sitting very stiffly and you could tell he was restraining himself from looking around.

"Hey, it's all right, it's just my house. Make yourself comfy, explore a bit!" You said in a cheerful tone, hoping to make him feel more comfortable. He seemed to become less tense hearing your words.

"Alright, I'm gonna go make soup for us then." You say, stretching as you get up from your couch. Walking into the kitchen, you hear Nightmare also get up and follow you. Casting a glance at him over your shoulder, he gives you a nervous smile.

"I-I just wanna watch you cook if that's alright." He said, moving his hand to rub the back of his neck. His cheekbones were a slight purple.

"Meh, that's ok." You say with a shrug and you move over to open one of your cabinets.

Quickly scanning over what exactly you had, you decide the kind of soup you were going to make is alphabet.
With a smile you crouch down to one of the lower side cabins and pull out a medium pot. Walking to the sink, you fill it a little over half way with water and then bring it to the stove. You turn on the stove and set the heat to high. You need to wait for the water to boil.

Taking this chance, you turn to your right where Nightmare is and almost stumble back when you see how close you are to each other. Your brain is fast enough though for you to recognize that's it's only Nightmare. You end up staring into his glowing purple eyes for a moment until he quickly takes a step back from you. He looks like he's about to say something when the sound of boiling water grabs your attention instead.

You quickly turn around, a blush growing on your face, and turn the heat down a bit. You then reach over to the counter on your left and grab the bag of alphabet soup noodles. Opening the bag, you dump them all into the water and add your own flavorings into the mix. Nightmares still watching you intently, you dig around in the your lid cabinet, searching for the right one to cover the pot.

Darkness Is Nicer Than It Seems (Nightmare Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now