1: 'The night we met...'

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A/N: Welcome to Scarlett's book! I know how much everyone loves her, so hopefully you will all love her book! We are starting at the night of Luke's birthday party, as we know that's when Rocky and Scarlett...conceived their beautiful child.

I grin brightly as I look around the room of drunken teenagers, I know Luke said that he didn't want a surprise party but let's be honest I've done a pretty good job, if I do say so myself! 

My heart warms as Sammy gestures for me to walk over to him, I couldn't help but feel slightly relieved that he's on his own and Toby isn't in sight.

'Hey pretty boy!' I chirp as I wrap my arm around his waist, 'How are you on this fine evening?'

He laughs softly, 'I'm good Scar, how are you?'

'Absolutely splendid!'

He eyes up the beer bottle in my hand, 'How many of those have you had?'

I shrug, 'I lost count after five.'

'Of course, you did.'

I let out a sigh of content as I watch Autumn and Luke chatting aimlessly in the corner of the room, 'I really hope they get married.'

Sammy snorts as he follows my gaze, 'They still need to find the balls to tell each other, how they feel first.'

I wave my hand dismissively, 'They'll get there, give them time.'

'What about you? Are there any new boys on the scene?'

My cheeks burn wildly as a flicker of a certain blonde boy flashes through my head, 'N-No, but I'm open to suggestions.'

'What about him? He's hot.'

I grip his arm excitedly, 'I'm so happy, that we can talk about boys together now!'

He wrinkles his nose, 'We won't be doing it often.'

'Oh, you're no fun!'

'I know, I'm the worst.'

I nudge into his side gently, 'So which guy are we talking about? I wasn't really paying attention.'

'That one.'

I follow the direction of his finger to a light-brown haired boy leaning against the living room wall, his muscular figure was being hugged by a white t-shirt, he had a pair of black jeans on along with a baggy vintage jacket.

Holy mother of hotness.

This boy was on an entirely other fucking level, in-fact I think the word hot would be insulting, he's more handsome than anything.



'You're drooling.

I narrow my eyes as I quickly check my chin, 'I-I am not!'

'Why don't you go and talk to him?'

I shake my head, 'N-Nope, can't do that.'

'Why not? You literally talk to anyone. The other day we were stood at the supermarket checkout for fifteen minutes while you asked the cashier about her grandchildren.'

I smile fondly at the memory, 'She was a very nice lady.'

'Go talk to the boy.'

I wince, 'I-I get intimated talking to beautiful people.'

Sammy frowns, 'You never get intimated around me.'

'That's because I've known you since we were four years old, plus I've literally seen you piss your pants.'

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