27: 'Taking care of two hungover baby's...'

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My eyelids flutter as I feel an arm snake around my waist, I turn my head to see Rocky sleeping steadily behind me. I hesitantly reach down and intwine his hand with mine, his hand stiffens.

Shit, why the fuck did I do that?

Why did I let the intrusive thoughts win?

'You okay sunshine?' He murmurs sleepily.

'Y-Yeah, sorry did I wake you?'

'No my pounding fucking headache woke me.'

I laugh softly, 'It's your own fault for doing that many shots, I have zero sympathy.'


'I'm going to go and check on Sammy.' I whisper as I attempt to get out of his iron grip.

'Five more minutes, I'm comfortable.'

I snort, 'This is coming from the boy that doesn't like hugs.'

'Shut up.'

'Make me.'

My eyes widen as he flips my body over and presses a kiss against my lips, I quickly respond as I wrap my leg around his waist. He moans softly as my hands trace up and down his torso.

'Fuck.' He grumbles.


'You'll have to check on him on your own, I have a boner.'

I laugh loudly, 'Would you like any help with that?'

His eyes light up with lust as he presses a kiss against my neck, 'I would like a lot of help.'


My cheeks flush wildly as I look at my disgruntled appearance in the mirror, to say that I have sex hair would be an understatement.

'I apologise, I'm just a horny guy when I'm hungover.'

I laugh as I turn to the owner of the voice, 'You're always a horny guy.'

He shrugs, 'Yeah.'

'Do you have any wipes, so I can take off my make-up? I forgot to do it last night.'

'Would baby wipes work?'


'One sec.'

Rocky walks over to his closet, my heart warms when he returns with a large bag filled with various baby items, like diapers, wipes and pacifiers. 

Tears prickle the corner of my eyes, 'W-When did you get all of this stuff?'

'It was a gift.'

'From who?' I ask as I rock back and forth on my heels.


My stomach drops slightly at the mention of another girl's name, 'W-Who's Aurora?'

'My best friend.' He mumbles as he fishes out a packet of wipes and passes them over to me.

'Was she at the party last night?'

'Nah, she's away at college, so I don't get to see her much anymore.'

'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.'

'It's fine, we call most days anyway.'

An unidentifiable feeling swirls around my chest, 'A-Aurora is a very pretty name.'

'It is.' He muses.

I nod to myself before I slowly begin to take off the remains of my make-up, I wince slightly as my bare face stares back at me in the mirror.

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