2: 'Supermarket Sweep.'

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I groan quietly as a wave of nausea washes over me; I grip onto the shopping cart I'm currently pushing for some support. My body literally feels on fire with exhaustion, I got my first ever job last week and I think it was taking its toll on me. But I was actually enjoying it a-lot more than I thought I would. 

My new job role was being a care-assistant at a nursing home for the elderly. Despite some of the abuse I was subjected too, which is completely not their fault at all they can't control how they feel, I completely adored being able to make the residents smile.

Unfortunately, I think I've caught a stomach bug from one of the residents I've been looking after because I've been violently vomiting for the past three days. This was the first day, that I felt well enough to leave the house. 

I scan the aisles as I try to look for something sweet to be able to snack on later, Autie and Sammy were coming round for a rom-com night, and I couldn't be more excited. I deeply cherish being able to spend quality time with them both.

My eyes widen when I notice a familiar flock of light-brown hair going down the aisle next to me, I hesitantly begin to walk in his direction.

What the fuck am I doing?

Why am I following this poor innocent boy?

My heart stops when his chocolate brown eyes latch onto mine, I feel my stomach churn unexpectedly as I flash him a nervous smile.

'Rocky, Hi!' I squeak out.

He looks around awkwardly before focusing his gaze back on me, 'Hey.'

'So, how have you been?'

'Good. You?'

I wince, 'I've been a little under the weather actually, not to be gross or anything, but I've been puking my guts out for the past few days.'


'I know, not exactly ideal but what can you do! I also started a new job last week; it's been going really well! Although I'm still surprised that I haven't been fired yet because sometimes I worry that I talk too much, and I don't end up doing my job properly.'

'Well, you do talk a lot.'

I nod frantically, 'I know, my dad says it's actually a favourable quality to have but I feel like he just says that to make me feel better. What about you? Do you work?'

He nods stiffly, 'I do work.'

'Can I guess what you do?'

Rocky sighs loudly before reluctantly nodding, 'Sure, whatever it takes to make this conversation go quicker.'

I falter slightly before recovering, 'Do you work at the boxing gym?'


'Is that your main job?'


I purse my lips together in deep thought, 'Do you work with animals?'


'Do you work with cars?'


I tilt my head slightly, 'Do you work with children?'


I perk up excitedly, 'Aw, I love children! Are you a teacher?'


I huff loudly, 'I'm getting close to giving up.'


My eyebrows knit together as I scrunch my nose, 'You are so rude.'

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