59: 'Welcome home Vi...'

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Rocky and I mutually decided that it would probably be for the best that we stayed at my family house for the first few weeks because we had no idea, what we were doing and Brooke was more than happy to help us.

Luke finally got in touch with me, it was a short but sweet message but at-least I knew that he was safe.

I watch in awe as Rocky gently unbuckles Violet's car-seat from the car, I was still feeling pretty sore and I wasn't up for doing much heavy lifting, so he was on car-seat duty.



'Can we go through the back garden? Instead of the front door.'

My eyebrows knit together, 'What? Why?'

'Just trust me.'

'But I don't understand, it's getting dark and I just want to go inside.'

'Please, just trust me.'

'Oh-kay.' I murmur as I turn on my heel and begin to go through the gate that leads to my garden.

A loud gasp escapes from my lips as tears prick the corner of my eyes, there was pale pink, lilac and white flower petals scattered on the grass in make-shift walk way leading up to the large oak tree which stands in the corner of my garden, on the branches of the tree was various lanterns that were light up, fairy-lights illuminated the garden with a golden hue.

'W-What is this?'

'Walk with me.' He murmurs softly as he holds out his free hand, my trembling one entwines with his.

We stop directly in-front of the tree, my heart soars when I hear the instrumental version of I see the light playing from inside.

'I-I have no idea what is happening right now.'

'Do you remember when I left the hospital, so that I could go and shower?'

I nod unsurely, 'I do.'

He shakes his head as he gently places Violet's car-seat on the floor, 'I wasn't getting a shower.'


'I was actually going to pick up this.' He whispers as he reaches into his pocket, my breath hitches when he drops down onto one knee.

'Oh my god.'

Rocky pulls out a velvet box before opening it, tears roll down my face when I see a ring with a large violet coloured gem sitting in the middle of it, 'Scarlett Aurora Summers, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wish I could put into words how much I love you but I can't, but I think me giving you a Tangled inspired proposal kind of helps.'

I let out a watery laugh as I nod, 'It really does.'

'You deserve a proper proposal and a proper fucking wedding, so what do you say, Scarlett Summers, will make me the happiest fucking guy on the planet and marry me again, but for real this time?'

A loud sob escapes my lips as I nod frantically, I drop down to my knees and kiss him passionately, 'I-I will, I will marry you.'

I turn my head when I hear loud cheer; Sammy, Autumn and Brooke are stood in my kitchen with the patio door open witnessing everything.

'Don't worry, I got a video and photos!' Sammy chirps.

Rocky rubs the back of his neck, 'I had to get everyone involved so that they could help me set this up.'

'I can't believe it! Everything about it is so magical!'

'You deserve magic sunshine.'

'Gimme the ring!' 

He laughs loudly as he takes off my old wedding band and slides on my new engagement ring, 'Here you go.'

'It's beautiful.' I muse as I look at the ring with a feeling of content seeping through my stomach.

'No, you're beautiful, this is just a nice accessory.'


I sigh happily as I lean my head on Rocky's shoulder while I cradle Violet in my arms, she's been fussing for the past hour but I've finally managed to get her to go to sleep.

'I can't believe we're engaged.'

'I can't believe you said yes.'

I roll my eyes warmly, 'Of course, I was going to say yes. It's you.'

'By the way, this doesn't mean that I'm going to willingly watch Tangled with you.'

'Yes it does.'

'No, I don't think it does.'

'Yes, I think it really does.'

He presses a kiss on the top of my head, 'I don't think I've ever felt this happy before.'

'Me either. It's wonderful. Actually, I've gotten you a gift, I completely forgot to give it to you.'

He blink slowly, 'W-What? Why would you get me a gift?'

'Because I love you and I want to celebrate the birth of our daughter.'

'You didn't have to get me anything.'

'No but I wanted too.' I murmur as I pull out my phone and go onto my emails, I bite down my lip harshly and show him my phone.

His eyebrows knit together, 'What is this?'

I let out a shaky breath, 'That is your college acceptance letters, for next September.'

'B-But...I didn't apply for college.'

'No, you didn't. I applied for you...a few months ago, okay fine it was the first time that we studied together and I saw just how clever and capable you are. It's been really fucking hard, keeping this as a secret for so long!'

'W-Why? Why would you do this?'

'Because I know how much you want to go but you don't believe enough in yourself to even apply. So as long as you pass your exams, which I'm sure you will. You're going to college.'

'W-What did you put as my major?'

I shrug, 'Education.'

'H-How did you know? That's something I wanted to do.'

I laugh softly, 'Rocky, you're practically a teacher now and I may or may not have snooped in the box in the back of your closet and saw your old applications.'

'You little sneak!'

'Are you mad at me? I know I probably should have asked for your permission before I did this but I just...believe in you so much, that I couldn't stop myself. You deserve to live your time and do what you want to do!'

His expression falters, 'I'm not mad at you...fuck, I've never had someone believe in me this much before. I can't even express how thankful I am right now.'

'I love you.'

'I love you more.'

I give him a toothy grin, 'Impossible.'

Violet lets out a small cry before I hush her soothingly and begin to rock her from side to side, Rocky leans forward and presses a soft kiss on the top of her head.

'And I love you Vi.' He whispers softly.


Aww my babiess! Scarlett got her own little Tangled proposal! <3

A genuine question because I am curious, which male lead/love interest do you prefer Lucas or Rocky?

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