46: 'Games night...'

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I try to stop a gigantic grin blowing onto my face as I pull out the murder mystery game box out from under the coffee table. Since my conversation with Rocky a few days ago, I decided that I also really wanted him to get to know Autumn and Sammy better, I know that him and Luke already got along well. So I decided to invite everyone round and have a games night.

Sammy groans loudly, 'I'm not playing fucking murder mystery with you!'

I pout as I bat my eyelashes at him, 'What why?'

'Because you get to excited and you blurt out that you're the murderer.'

I roll my eyes, 'That was one time.'

Luke coughs slightly, 'Four times.'

Rocky chuckles softly as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, 'Of course, she did.'

'I just like playing games, is that a crime?'

Sammy shrugs as he shovels popcorn into his mouth, 'That depends on if you're the murderer.'

Autumn purses her lips, 'I'm going to be honest, I have no fucking idea on how to play this.'

Luke's looks at her with pure shock written all over his face, 'You've never fucking played Cluedo or anything?'

She shrugs, 'My family wasn't really a board game, kind of family.'

'What about your friends? Have you never played games with them?'

'Only drinking games.'

My step-brother wraps his arm around his girlfriend, 'Tonight we are taking your game night virginity baby!'

Sammy raises an eyebrow as he sips on the beer bottle in his hands, 'Speaking of virginities, did I tell you guys the good news?'

Luke laughs loudly as he also takes sip of his drink, 'Yes you did, we got all fourteen texts about it.'

Rocky looks at us all with amusement, 'I'm yet to hear about the good news.'

Autumn groans loudly, 'You really don't want too, I've heard way to many details, I will never be able to look at young Samuel the same way again.'

I gasp loudly as I flick Sammy on the side of his head, 'What the hell? You wouldn't tell me anything but you'll tell Autie!'

'Because you ask way to many questions Scar!'

I shrug, 'I'm a curious girl, sue me.'

Rocky snorts loudly, 'I think I've got a good idea on what the news is now. Congrats man.'

Sammy's cheeks flush deeply, 'Thanks.'

'Hey sunshine, when did you lose your virginity?'

Luke swiftly puts his fingers into his ears, 'I don't want to hear about this!'

I roll my eyes, 'Need I remind you that I fucking walked in on you losing your virginity! I'm still mentally scarred and it's been four years.'

Autumn's eyes widen massively as she chokes on her drink, 'Y-You were fourteen?'


'But I thought you only had your first kiss when you were fourteen?'

He shrugs, 'I like to move fast.'

Her expression falters for a moment, I could tell exactly what is running through her mind. Panic, sheer panic because she still wasn't ready to be intimate with someone. And it breaks my heart because I can tell by the look in her eyes, that she doesn't feel enough for him. 

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