51: 'Sammy's going away party...'

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I lean the back of my head against Rocky's chest as we sway gently to the music, I grin brightly as I watch Autumn and Luke dance like complete idiots together.

'They're cute, aren't they?'

Rocky looks down at me, 'I'll be honest, I have no idea what you're talking about.'

I laugh softly, 'I'm talking about Luke and Autie, they're cute.'

'Yeah but we're cuter.'

'It isn't a competition angel.'

He rolls his eyes, 'Everything is a competition sunshine.'

'Please tell me you aren't going to be one of them dad's who is obsessed with their kid winning.'

He lets out a breathy laugh, 'God no, my dad was like that especially about basketball, I think that's one of the reasons I quit it and started boxing. He fucking hates boxing which makes me extremely happy.'

'Good because I already know I'm the type of mom who is just happy that you've taken part.'

A soft kiss is pressed on the top of my head, 'Of course you are.'

My eyebrows furrow slightly as my I feel my vision begin to blur slightly, I shake my head to try and re-focus my eye sight.

I force a smile onto my face as a stumbling Sammy walks towards us swinging a tequila bottle in the air.

'Look it's my favourite people!' He chirps, 'You two are so handsome.'

I snort loudly, 'Jesus Christ, how drunk are you?

He shrugs, 'A little.'

I cock an eyebrow, 'A little?'

He sighs loudly, 'Fine I'm fucking hammered, is that what you want me to say?'

Rocky chuckles loudly, 'It is actually.'

Sammy looks at the boy standing behind me, 'It's a shame we didn't get to know each other more, I feel like we would have ended up being good friends.'

'Sammy, we are already good friends.'

His face lights up dramatically, 'Seriously?'

'Seriously man, you're a good guy.'

'So are you, I'm really happy that Scar found you. I've never seen her this content before it's really fucking nice to see.'

A small smile works it's way onto Rocky's face, 'I'm glad. How did you two actually meet?'

A wave of nostalgia swoops over me, 'We were four years old and attending same ice-skating lessons and these two girls were being mean to Sam because he was the only boy. They began laughing in his face, so I marched up to them and started telling them off, I then grabbed Sammy's hand and forced him to skate with me for the rest of the lesson.'

Rocky's snakes his arms around my waist, 'You've been a sunshine since day one.'

A sad expression flickers on Sammy's face, 'Scar I don't know how I'm going to fucking cope without you, you've been my fucking rock for fourteen years.'

I swallow the lump that is growing in my throat, 'I'm not going anywhere, I'll always only be a phone call away.'

'I know you will.'

'Thanks for being the best friend that a girl could wish for me.'

'Thanks for being worth it.'

A sharp shiver creeps down the back of my spin as I feel my body begin to sweat profusely. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hear the sounds around me turn muffled. 

'Baby?' Rocky asks, his voice slightly more pitched than usual.

I wave my hand slowly, 'I-I'm...fine.'

A tingling sensation goes up and down my legs as they buckle, Rocky curses loudly as he lifts me up slightly. I gag slightly before the contents of my stomach spill down my summer dress.

'Baby! Do we need to take you to the hospital?'

Before I can reply, I feel my eyes begin to slowly roll back into my head as my body begins to flush hot and cold.


I blink slowly as a beeping sound echoes my ears, I gasp loudly when I become aware of my surroundings, I clutch my stomach desperately. My eyebrows furrow together when I feel something sticking up my nose, I slowly reach up to feel it.

'Don't take that out!' A familiar voice snaps, I turn my head to see a dishevelled Rocky sitting on the chair next to me, his hair was wild and sticking out at different directions, he was still wearing his shirt from Sammy's party but it was now wrinkled and the top buttons were undone.

'W-What is it?'

He sighs loudly as he runs a hand over his face, 'It's oxygen baby, you're really not well.'

Hot tears burn the corner of my eyes as a harsh sob escapes my lips, 'T-The baby? Is the baby okay?'

'He is fine, I promise. While you where unconscious they performed an ultrasound, his heartbeat was a strong as ever.'

'Thank god.' I croak out as tears roll down my cheeks.

'I've never been so fucking relieved that we're married right now.'

'What? Why?'

'Because they where able to fucking tell me everything that was going on because I'm classed as your next of kin.'

'O-Okay tell me, what's happening?'

He reaches forward and gently cradles my face, 'Baby, the antibiotics didn't work as well as they should have for your water infection. So, it's made you really unwell, they've got you on a drip now and you're going to stay here for a few days until you're well enough to go home. But they said that you'll need to be put on immediate bedrest.'

I nod slowly, 'B-But what about my job? We've got a baby on the way, we can't afford for me not to work! I-I'm supposed to be moving to New York with Autie, she's going to be so upset with me.'

He shakes his head, 'Autumn already knows, I rang everyone as soon as the doctor told me, all she cares about is you and the baby being safe and healthy. And don't stress about work, I can pick up some extra shifts and I've got a boxing match in a two weeks and if I win, I'll be getting a pretty big pay out.'

My bottom lip wobbles, 'I-I won't be able to go to your match!'

'Hey! Don't cry.' He whispers softly, 'I know you would have gone if you were able too.'

'I-I'm really scared.' I manage out, 'What if this infection doesn't go away? What if something bad happens to our son?'

'Nothing bad is going to happen, okay?'

'You have to choose him.'


A strangled sob escapes from my lips, 'I-If something happens and they ask you to pick between me and Finn, you need to pick him okay?'

He squeezes his eyes shut, 'Scarlett, I'm not having this conversation.'

'Promise me! I shriek, 'Promise me, that you'll pick him.'

My eyes widen as a long tear rolls down his face, I shakily reach out to wipe it away.

'I thought you didn't cry.' I murmur softly.

'I just need you both to be okay, you don't fucking understand how much I need you both.'

'I know angel.' I whisper as I interlock my hand with his, 'But it's all going to be okay, just like you said.'

'I love you.'

'I love you more.'

'I don't think that is possible.'

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