21: 'A sober night out...'

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I fiddle with the hem of my dress anxiously, tonight we were all going to a bar, there wasn't a particular reason for the occasion. I think we just all wanted to let of some steam and even though I couldn't drink, I was still looking forward to spending time with my favourite people.

My eyes widen as Autumn waltzes into my room, she looked undeniably beautiful, I wish I could have even a fraction of the beauty she has. 

'Hello pretty girl!' I chirp happily as I wrap my arms around her neck.

'Evening.' She murmurs tiredly.

My eyebrows knit together in concern, 'W-What's wrong?'

She rubs her eyes, 'I-I've just been really struggling with my sleep, I've been trying to wean myself off my medication, but I don't think it's really working out.'

'Why would you try do that?' I ask softly.

The copper haired girl shrugs, 'I-I guess, I'm just tired by having a constant reminder every evening of what happened to me.'

My heart breaks entirely, 'I-I wish I could fix everything for you.'

'I know. P-Please don't tell Luke about this by the way, I-I really don't want him to worry.'

'My lips are sealed don't worry.'

'What would I do without you?'

I shrug, 'You would probably live a very boring and meaningless life.'

She gives me a look, 'Thanks.'

I hold my hands up, 'Hey, you're the one who asked.'


I cradle my stomach slightly as if I'm trying to shield it as we walk into the overly packed bar, I still don't understand how we keep getting away with being underaged, but I wasn't complaining.

I turn towards Sammy who has a deep frown settled into his features, 'Why so glum chum?'

He sighs loudly, 'Z-Zayn said that he was working here tonight, but I can't see him.'

My stomach drops, 'H-He might just be in the back, sorting out the stock. I wouldn't worry just yet.'

'Yeah, you might be right.'

I really hope I am; I couldn't bear the thought of someone hurting one of the best people I've ever met in my entire life.

My eyes widen as I feel an arm snake around my lower back, I turn my head to see Rick stood over me with a small smirk tugging on his lips.

'I didn't expect to see you here.'

I tense as I attempt to step away from him, 'Y-Yeah, I'm just here with my friends. This is Sammy, I told you a lot about him. Sammy this is R-Rick.'

Sammy's eyes narrow as he eyes up the dirty blonde-haired boy, 'I've heard a lot of shit about you.'

Rick chuckles loudly, 'All good, I hope.'

'I don't recall any of it being any good, if I'm being honest.'

I wince as I feel my cheeks flame wildly, I turn my attention back to my ex-boyfriend, 'W-What are you doing here?'

The dirty blonde looks down at me, 'Felt like getting fucked up.'

'Why? Is everything okay?'

Despite how poorly he has treated me, I would never wish anything bad upon him, I just want him to learn from his mistakes and become a truly good person, which I'm sure he can. Everyone has the potential to be a better version of themselves.

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