50: 'Graduation...'

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I pace up and down as I look at my cue cards that had my graduation speech written on them, I've been ready since seven and it was only just turning nine. Rocky was snoring softly in my bed still.

But I couldn't sleep, I was feeling too bittersweet.

This was the next chapter in my life and I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to enter it. I wonder what my mom would have thought about me being valedictorian. Would she have sat on the front row? Would she have cried? Would she have gotten me a graduation gift?

My dad promised that he would come but I've barely heard from him this week, so I'm not holding my breath.

I cough slightly as I begin to murmur my speech to myself, public speaking didn't bother me. I've been performing since I could walk, so I was lucky in that respect.


I swivel my head around to see Rocky with his head buried deep into my pillow with one eye peeking open, 'Morning!'

His eyes widen dramatically when he takes in my attire, 'Holy shit! What time is it?'

I laugh softly, 'It's just gone nine.'

'Why are you ready? It doesn't start till half 1.'

I shrug, 'I like to be prepared.'

'We are very different people.'

I grin at him as I walk over and press a kiss against the side of his head, 'I know and I love it!'

'And me?'

I roll my eyes, 'And you.'

'Say it for me properly.'

My eyes roll once again before I reach out and cradle his face, 'I love you Rocky James.'

A ghost of smile appears on his lips as his eyes crinkle, 'I don't think I've ever get used to you saying that.'

'Are you okay sitting with my mom? She'll be sat with Autumn's aunt. Also Sammy's parents aren't coming, so he's a little upset they're going travelling around Europe again, so it's best not to mention anything.'

'I won't say anything, don't worry.'

'I can't believe it, I'm actually graduating!'

'I'm so proud of you.' He whispers softly before pressing a kiss against my lips.

'And I'm so excited for when you graduate!'

'Y-You actually think I'm going to graduate?'

'Of course you are! Don't be silly.'

His entire face lights up as he peppers my face with kisses causing me to giggle loudly, 'Stop it! You're going to ruin my make up.'

'You don't need it anyway.'


I smooth down my royal blue silky gown as I fidget slightly on my seat, at the corner of my stage, the warm summer breeze blowing in my face, I shut my eyes with content as it begins to over take me. Butterflies begin dancing around my stomach with excitement in their steps. I turn my attention back to Principle Stewart, I'll be honest I zoned out about thirty minutes ago.

I grin brightly as I see Sammy at the edge of the steps of the stage, my heart swells with pride as our eyes lock and his entire face lights up.

'Samuel Taylor.' Principle Stewart announces into the microphone.

My heart soars with happiness as he walks onto the stage with a large smile on his face, I turn my head when I hear a loud wolf-whistle and cheering, Rocky is standing up tall, clapping his hands loudly.

'GO SAMMY!' He cheers.

My chest aches wildly because I know exactly why he is doing this because he knows what it feels like to not have someone show up and show that they care.

Rocky James you are going to be the worlds greatest father and you don't even know it yet.

I sniffle as hot tears burn the corner of my eyes at the look of pure joy that takes over Sammy's face.

The nerves in my stomach increase as more of my classmates go up, one by one, I give my big brother the dorkiest smile I can muster when he secretly flips me off as he collects his diploma.

'I would now like to invite our valedictorian, Scarlett Summers up to say a few words.'

I slowly lift myself out of my seat as my trembling hands shake with his, I take a deep breath before standing in-front of the microphone.

'Before I say anything, I just want to extend my deepest congratulations to all of my classmates. You've all done so amazing and I can't believe that I've known most of you since we were four years old and now you are sitting in caps and gowns.  There's always been a quote that has stuck in my mind when I've pictured this moment which is by none other than Gandhi himself and that is 'be the change that you want to see in the world'. I often like to think about this when I think about the future because I believe that we all have the ability and compacity to make the world, a wonderful and magical place. No matter where we come from or the trauma we've been through. And I'm so excited to hear about all of the incredible things that you are all going to achieve because I know it's going to be worthwhile. Well done everyone!'

My cheeks flush brightly as everyone begins to cheer loudly, I furiously wipe away the tears I didn't even realise fell down my face.


I grin wildly as I race towards Brooke and Rocky who are standing near the track-field, I open my arms as I tackle them both into a bear hug.

'Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you. That speech was beautiful.' Brooke murmurs as she places a kiss on the side of my head.

'Got room for one more?' A voice says from behind me, I turn my head to see Sammy standing there with his hands in his pockets.

Brooke smile softly at him before she gestures towards him to join our embrace.

'Well done honey!' She chirps as she ruffles his hair, 'I'm proud of you too.'

His expression falters as he grips onto Brooke even tighter, her eyes widen for a brief moment when he nestles his head into the crook of his neck.

Rocky frowns slightly as he sides steps and wraps his arm around Sammy's shoulders, 'You okay, man?'

He nods slowly, 'Yeah, I'm just really happy that I had people cheering for me in the audience today.'

Rocky squeezes one of his shoulders, 'As long as you're in my life man, I'll always be there to cheer you on.'


I don't think I can handle all of this cuteness, I'm literally going to explode in a million pieces.

Brooke looks at the two boys with misty eyes, she reaches into her purse before pulling out a pale pink envelope and passes it to me, 'Y-Your father was supposed to be the one to give you this but...he isn't here. And I couldn't not let you have it. It's a letter from your mom.'

My stomach sinks as I clutch the letter close to my chest, 'I-I don't think I'm ready to read it.'

'That's okay honey, read it when you're ready.'

'I  just want today to be positive and I think if I read it, I'll completely crumble.'

'Of course, I understand that.'

Rocky presses a kiss at the side of my head, 'Well done sunshine.'

Sammy puffs out his cheeks, 'I can't believe I'm never going to see this shithole ever again.'

'I know.' I murmur quietly, 'We have a lot of good memories in this place, I find it hard to imagine the fact that I'm never going to be in one of your classes again.'

He wraps an arm around my shoulders, 'I know, I don't know how I'll survive without copying your notes.'

I laugh softly, 'I'm sure that you'll find a way.'

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