34: 'Night-time walks...'

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I cross my legs as I read over my notes for what feels like the hundredth time in the past hour, I knew all of this information, but I just feel like it isn't going into my head.

My eyes widen when a dishevelled Rocky walks into my room with a purple circle forming around his left eye.

'W-What happened?' I cry out as I reach up to touch his face, he gently pulls my hands away from me.

'I got into a fight.'

'Clearly! But what happened?'

'I didn't come over here to be interrogated, I just wanted to see your sickeningly perky face.'

'Talk to me.' I murmur softly.

'I-I can't.'

'Of course, you can, you can tell me anything.'

He squeezes his eyes shut, 'Sunshine, please just trust me I can't.'

'Okay, I won't pressure you into telling me something that you don't want too.' I say softly as I stand up and press my lips against his cheek.

'Did I interrupt your study session?'

I shake my head, 'No, I wanted to take a break anyway. Actually, do you know what I would love to do right now?'

'Have sex?'

I roll my eyes, 'No go for a late-night stroll.'

'I'm down for that.'

I perk up slightly, 'You are.'

'If it makes you happy, sure.'

I grin brightly at him as I go over to my chair and grab my coat, 'I knew you had a soft spot for me.'


'Just so grumpy.'

We walk downstairs in a comfortable silence, I shiver slightly the second that we step outside and the cool air hits my cheeks.

I hesitantly reach down and intwine my hand with Rocky's, he looks down at me with a small smile when I begin to swing our hands as we start walking down my street.

'So how are rehearsals going for your play?'

I shrug, 'They're going okay, I feel like I've not been on my top form because I've been so tired. But I'm hoping on the night, I'll have more energy.'

'I'm just excited to hear your singing voice.'

My cheeks flush slightly, 'It's nothing impressive.'

'I highly doubt that sunshine.'

I playfully roll my eyes as I nestle my head into his arm, 'How's work been?'

'You know, no-one has ever asked me that before.'

I furrow my eyebrows together, 'They haven't?'

'No, I guess no one has really cared enough to ask.'

My heart twists unpleasantly, 'Well, I'll always be here to care to ask, no matter what.'

His expression falters, 'Work was okay actually, there was this little kid Isaac, and he just came out with the funniest shit. I was trying my best not to laugh the entire time; he started telling me about his mom's special friend.'

I laugh loudly, 'This is why I love kids; they have zero filter.'

He shrugs, 'One time, a kid told me that I was going to hell because I have tattoos.'

My laughter increases, 'Jesus Christ, if that's the case I'll see you there.'

Rocky stops in his tracks, 'Wait, what? I never knew that you had a tattoo sunshine. What is it?'

I roll my eyes as I shove my wrist in his face, 'Strangely enough it's the sun.'

His smile widens and honestly it nearly takes my breath away, 'Holy fuck, would you look at that.'

I shrug, 'I suppose it's meant to be.'

He wrinkles his nose, 'Please don't do soppy, I hate soppy.'

Laughter tumbles out of my lips, 'Why does that not surprise me?'

I let out a squeak as his foot lifts up and gently kicks my ass from behind as we continue to walk, he laughs at my response before he squeezes my hand.

'What's your favourite movie?'

He blinks slowly, 'I don't think I have a favourite.'

'Everyone has a favourite, are you not telling me because it's secretly embarrassing? Holy shit, is it the barbie version of princess and the pauper?'

Rocky laughs slightly as he shakes his head, 'I can promise you this, I have never watched any kind of barbie movie.'

'That's a shame because you're really missing out.'

'I really don't feel like I am.'

'So come on, favourite movie. What is it?'

The dark-haired boy sighs loudly, 'Fine, if I had to pick one, it would probably have to be Shutter Island.'

'That's a good choice.'

'I'm not even going to bother asking you, what yours is because I know for a fact it's Tangled.'

I sigh dramatically, 'I really am predictable, aren't I?'

'Yes, you are.'

'Do you have a favourite band?'

He nods, 'That's an easy one Arctic Monkeys.'

I perk up as I clutch onto his arm, 'I love Arctic Monkeys!'

He tilts his head, 'You do? No offence sunshine, I was expecting you to be more of an Ariana Grande kind of girl.'

I scoff as I shove him playfully, 'A girl can have a varied music taste, you know.'

He laughs, 'Of course, I apologise.'

I look up at him with a toothy grin, 'I like your laugh.'

He rolls his eyes warmly, 'I don't think I've ever met anyone who gives out as many compliments as you do.'

'Is that a bad thing?'

He shakes his head before he presses a brief kiss against my lips, 'It's a good thing, don't worry.'

I furrow my eyebrows as I turn my head slightly, 'I feel like this car has been following us for our entire walk.'

Rocky moves his head so that he can see behind us, 'I think you're just being paranoid sunshine, I hadn't even noticed it until you said something.'

'Well, I hope so.'

His arm wraps around my shoulders, 'Don't worry, I'm here to protect you.'

I roll my eyes at his sarcastic tone, 'Not funny, I'm an anxious person. I worry easily.'

'Sunshine, I promise that everything is okay. There probably just heading into town or something.'

I chew down on my bottom lip, 'M-Maybe, we should cross over just in case.'

Rocky sighs quietly, 'If that's what'll make you feel better then we can cross over.'

I flash him a grateful smile before I take another glance at the car, I let out a shaky breath as we step off the sidewalk. My heart thumps uncomfortably against my chest as I hear the car engine rev, my eyes widen when I notice the car begin to quickly speed up.

My entire body runs cold when I notice that Rocky has started walking in-front of me, he slowly turns on his heel. I quickly race forward towards him.

'ROCKY, LOOK OUT!' I screech as I quickly shove him out of the way.

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