63: 'Little sprinkles of magic...'

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I grimace as I awkwardly use my fork to play with the food on my plate, I was really trying but my thoughts are still suffocating me.

'You're doing great sunshine.' Rocky murmurs as he leans forward and presses a kiss to my cheek, my heart warms despite itself.

'I-I've barely touched anything.'

'But you're sat here and you're trying so in my books you're doing a fucking incredible job.'

Tears burn the corner of my eyes as I let out a small sigh and lean into his embrace, all I want right now is for his body to provide me the comfort and safety it desperately needed. His arms wrap around my frame tightly.

I yawn slightly as I feel my eyes begin to burn, 'I'm tired.'

'Do you want to go for a nap?'

I shake my head, 'Actually what I want right now is family time.'

Rocky looks down at me in slightly surprise, 'Family time?'

This was the first time in weeks that I had referred to us as a family or even mentioned wanting to spend time with my baby. It's not that I didn't want to spend time with her, my body ached to be near her. I was just so desperately afraid of fucking up her life.

'I just want to sit and cuddle my family, I want to feel all the love that the universe can provide me.'

'That sounds perfect.' He whispers as he presses a kiss against the top of my head before he stands up and begins clearing our plates away.

I slowly stand up and go towards Violet's Moses basket, I reach down and cradle her tiny frame. My soul warms incredibly when I feel her little body scrunch up. 

My beautiful girl.

My beautiful miracle.

I rock her from side to side as I make my way towards the living room, I settle us both down on the sofa. I rest her gently across my knees, I use my finger tips to gently stroke her face. My heart nearly bursts into flames when I see her lips etch into a smile.

 A small sob is released from my lips, she's smiling. My baby is smiling at me.

And fuck it's the most beautiful smile in the entire word and I think that's because it looks so much like her daddy's.

'Rocky!' I cry out quietly.

I stifle laughter when he races into the room stumbling over his own feet, 'W-What's wrong?'

'She just smiled at me!'

His entire expression melts entirely, 'S-She smiled?'

I beam at him, 'She smiled! It was only for a brief but it was there!'

He blinks rapidly as he comes towards us both, 'This may be one of the best days of my entire life.'

I raise an eyebrow, 'But you didn't get to see it yet?'

'No but I got to see yours again and fuck I've missed your smile sunshine.'

I grin up at him as I motion for his face to come closer towards mine, 'I love you.'

'I love you more.'


Maybe not everything is cured right now, maybe I still feel like I'm drowning. But having these little moments of magic remind me that life can be good, it can be so incredibly good that I feel like I need to pinch myself sometimes.


I sigh happily as I watch Autumn cradle Violet in her arms, my two favourite girls being in each others company feels my heart with such content.

'Isn't she perfect?' I gush as I lean my head against the arm of the sofa.

'She's more then perfect Scar.'

I whip my head around when I hear footsteps behind me, I see Sammy standing there with a small gift bag in his hands.

'What's that?'

'It's Rocky's birthday on Sunday and I wanted to give him his present earlier.'

I smile wildly as I perk up, 'Can I just say I adore that you two have become such good friends?'

'Can I just say how amazing it is to see you smile?' Sammy responds in a soft tone before he wraps his arms around me.

I bury my head into the crook of his neck, 'Thanks for helping take care of Vi.'

'Always, she's my little best friend.'

I slowly try to peer into the bag, 'So what did you get him?'

'You'll find out Summers, don't be so nosy.'

I roll my eyes, 'Technically I'm not even a Summers anymore, I'm a James.'

'Nah, you'll always be a Summers to me. That's who you are Scarlett Summers.'

'And who is this great Scarlett Summers?'

Sammy's facial expression changes ever so slightly, 'She is the kindest person you will ever me, the word no is not even her vocabulary, she fights for what is right. She is someone who can make a Monday morning feel like a Friday night. And most importantly she is my best friend.'

A small sob leaves my lips as I launch onto him, 'Sammy! Words can't describe how much I adore the fuck out of you.'

Autumn coughs loudly, 'I'm in the room guys, does anyone want to say anything nice about me?'

Sammy rolls his eyes, 'You know we love you, don't be so dramatic.'


Rocky walks into the room his eyes dart between all three of us with alarm, 'Scar, why are you crying?'

Sammy puffs out his chest with pride, 'Because I had a rare moment of kindness.'

Rocky slaps the side of his head gently, 'Stop making my wife cry dipshit even if it is for good reasons.'

My heart does the same flip it always does when he calls me his wife. I don't think I'll ever get used to the way it makes me feel.

'Ow! You can't hit me! I came bearing gifts for you.'

'Ooo! Give me!'

Rocky reaches into the navy blue bag to reveal an ornament of an apple, 'I love it but I'm slightly confused.'

'Scar told me that you are going to college to become a teacher and I thought all teachers need an apple.'

The crinkles around Rocky's eyes deepen as he grins brightly, he wraps his arms around Sammy, 'Thank you man! I really appreciate you supporting my dreams.'

'You'll be a great teacher. I have no doubt in my mind about that.'

I gently take Violet out of Autumn's arms, 'I haven't seen my brother for a while, is he okay? I keep trying to call him but I'm just getting voicemail.'

She winces slightly, 'He's just trying to get himself sorted and I think he feels as if the only way he can do that is by isolating.'

'Well can you do me a favour?'

'Of course.'

'Can you tell him that his little sister and niece miss him very much?'


I felt like Scar deserved a little bit of a break this chapter after the last few months, we are on a countdown to the end now. So before we say goodbye to Scarlett Summers, is there anything else you would like to see?

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