17: 'The day my world went quiet part 2...'

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I stare numbly at the white wall in-front of me, I wasn't allowed to go home for several more hours so they could do a few more observations.

My eyes where stinging from the amount crying, I've been doing, my heart feels so hollow. I hear the door to my hospital room open, I don't have the energy to turn my head right now.

I don't have the energy to do anything right, even breathing feels exhausting.


My eyes widen as Rocky slowly walks towards me, with skin as white as a ghost. He hesitantly reaches out before gently wrapping his arms around me. I clutch onto him as tight as humanly possible.

'I-I thought you didn't like hugs.' I croak out, my head safely nestled into his neck.

'I-I don't but I think we both really need one right now.'

'I-I'm really sorry.' I whimper, 'I-I promise, I-I did everything I could.'

He pulls away slightly, his large hands cradling my face, he uses one of his thumbs to catch the lone tear rolling down my face.

'P-Please don't apologise, you did nothing wrong. T-These things just happen.'

'I-I feel so empty.'

'I know.' He murmurs softly.

'I-I feel guilty about being upset because w-we still have one healthy baby.'

The brown-haired boy shakes his head, 'You are allowed to feel upset or angry or however you fucking want to feel.'

'I-I just want to do everything I can to make sure, this baby is okay.'

'W-We will, I promise.'

I watch as his eyes warily move towards the I.V drip in my arm, 'T-This is just for pain relief.'

He frowns deeply, 'A-Are you still in pain?'

'Not as much now. I-I'm just really tired and I-I can't even go home.'

'W-What? Why can't you go home?'

'Because they just want to keep under observation for a couple more hours.'

'I'll stay with you. And I'll stay with you tonight, if you want me too.' He says softly as he sits down on the chair besides my bed.

'Y-You don't have to do that.'

He shrugs, 'We're family now, plus you're the only other person who understands how I'm feeling right now.'

I give him a sad smile, 'How are you?'

He runs his hand over his face, 'I-I really don't know.'

'I-I'm really sorry that you weren't there for our first scan.'

'Me too. I-I tried to get here as fast as I could.'

'I know you did.'

'W-What did it sound like?'

My eyebrows knit together, 'What did, what sound like?'

'T-The heartbeat?'

A ghost of a smile appears on my lips, 'I-It was really fast, but honestly it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.'

'I can't wait to hear it.'

My heart feels lighter just for a second, 'I can't wait for you to hear it too.'

'A-Are you hungry? Do you want me to go and get you something?'

'N-No I don't think I could stomach something right now, plus I really don't want you to leave. I'm sorry if that's selfish of me to say.'

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