25: 'Thanks sunshine...'

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I rest my hand on the top of my stomach as I flop down onto the sofa, I turn to Luke whose eyebrows are firmly knitted together as he watches the documentary in-front of him.

'Has anyone ever told you that you have a really ugly thinking face?' I tease.

He rolls his eyes, 'Shut up, all your faces are ugly.'

'I'm so lucky to have a brother as kind as you.'

'And don't you forget it.'

I twirl the pendant on my necklace, 'C-Can I ask you something?'

'Go for it.' He murmurs.

'D-Do you know if Rocky is sleeping with anyone?'

The dark-haired boy pauses the tv for a moment, 'What?'

'Rocky, you know your friend and the person I'm having a baby with, is he sleeping with anyone?'

A teasing grin works its way onto his face, 'Why do you want to know?'

My cheeks flame wildly as I shrug, 'I-I'm just a nosy person.'

'Scarlett has a crush!' He sings loudly, 'Scarlett and Rocky sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G.'

I give him a look, 'Shut up.'

'I know he's got some friends with benefits thing going on with someone, but I don't think it's that serious.'


'Yeah, he didn't tell me who but yeah.'

'D-Did he say anything about the girl he is doing this with?'

He shrugs, 'Just that she's a screamer.'

I feel my entire body still as it flushes a deep read, 'O-Oh.'

Luke pauses for a moment as he eyes me up and down before a look of disgust appears on his face, 'Oh my god.'


'It's fucking you, isn't it?'

'I-I don't know what you are talking about.' I squeak out.

'I'm going to be fucking sick.'

I roll my eyes, 'Don't be such a baby, you already knew that we've slept together once already.'

'B-But he's talked to me about it! I know way too much information!' He whines loudly.

'I-I think it's for the best that we bury this subject and never speak of it again.'

He shudders, 'Agreed.'


My eyebrows furrow together in concentration as I begin to apply my mint green face mask onto my face, I use a reindeer head to prevent my hair from falling onto my face.

I turn my head as I hear soft knocks echo my bedroom, 'Come in!''

My stomach flutters as I see Rocky walking into the room with a bag in his hand, 'Why do you look like Shrek?'


'Your face it's fucking green.'

I feel my entire body flush as I look at the way he is quizzically staring at me, 'O-Oh, it's a face-mask.'

'Is it permanent?'

I roll my eyes, 'Yes Robert, my face is going to look this way forever now.'

He scrunches up his nose, I can't help but marvel how adorable he looks in this very moment, 'I don't like it.'

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