56: 'Our first fight...'

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I sigh slightly as I try to organise the snacks laid out on my bed, Rocky's fight starts in an hour and I want to be prepared. I haven't seen him since he dropped off the Ice-cream for Autie and I, he's been to busy with his training.

My phone starts ringing, speak of the devil and he shall call, I quickly answer it and press it to my ear, 'Hello, the love of your life is speaking.'

'Holy fuck, is this Megan Fox?'

I roll my eyes, 'You aren't funny Robert.'

'I'm extremely funny, sunshine.'

'Yeah, yeah whatever you want to believe. How may I help you this evening?'

'I just wanted to check in on you.'

'Shouldn't I be the one checking in on you, you are the one who is about to step into a boxing ring?'

'I'm used to it, I've been boxing since I was fifteen.'

'I'm really scared.' I admit weakly, 'I just want you to be okay and safe. Of course, I want to support your dreams but that doesn't make any of this less terrifying.'

'I know, I'd be shit scared if the roles were reversed.'

'Well the roles wouldn't be reversed because I hate violence.'

'Once again, this is were we differ...there's actually something else I wanted to talk you about.'

'I'm all ears.'

'Some of my friends are going out for a few drinks, do you mind if I go with them?'

I laugh softly, 'Of course you can! You don't have to ask me.'

'I know but I just feel guilty that I'm going out and having fun, and you're stuck in bed.'

'It's not your fault angel.'

'I know...but still.'

'Have a good time! You deserve it, you've been babysitting me for way too long!'

'I'll miss you.'

'I though you didn't like soppy.'

'I don't but I feel like you'd want me to say it.'

'You're right, I did!'

'I've got to get going now, but Garrett is going to facetime you so that you can see the fight, I gave him your number.'

'I've never heard of a Garett before.'

'We used to play basketball together and quite frankly, he's one of my only my friends I can trust to not fucking hit on you.'

'It sounds like you need new friends.'

'Yeah I know I fucking do. I love you sunshine.'

'I love you more.'



I perk up instantly when I notice an unfamiliar number requesting to facetime me, I smoothen out my hair before I put a smile on my face and answer. A boy with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes comes onto my screen with a dazzling grin.

'Hey Scar!' He greets happily, 'I'm Garrett, it's a pleasure to meet the lady who has managed to tame Rocky James.'

I laugh softly, 'Hi Garett, it's nice to meet you too!'

'I must say, you are a lot prettier on video than in the thousands of pictures Rocky keeps showing everything.'

My heart swells, 'He's been showing pictures of me.'

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