54: 'Online class central...'

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I frown slightly as my heart feels heavier than usual Autumn left for New York, yesterday and it's killing me that I wasn't standing by her side, doing this with her. 

This was supposed to be our grand adventure.

If you would have told me at the start of the year, I wouldn't be leaving for college instead I'm weeks away from giving birth, I'm bed-bound and I'm married in the eyes of the law, I would have laughed in your face.

Today, I had my online class orientation but it just wasn't the same, half of the people didn't have their cameras on and we were required to have our mics muted.

Julliard gave me a probation to see whether or not I would be able to handle class full time with a baby attached to my hip.

Realistically, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it but I'm going to try my best because that's all I can do right now.

I turn my head when I hear my door slowly creak open, my eyebrows furrow when I see Rocky in his work-out gear and a tired look on his face. I quickly turn of my camera as I give him a bright grin.

'Hey angel!' I chirp.

He gives me a look, 'What did I say about that name?'

'That you secretly love it and you want me to use it all the time?'


'What are you doing here? I have class and you are way too distracting for my liking.'

A small smirk works it's way onto his lips, 'Because of my rugged good looks?'

'No because you smell, have you come straight from work?'

His eyes narrow at me, 'I don't fucking smell.'

'Yes, you really do.'

'I do not!'

'You do!'

He sighs loudly as he plops down on the corner of my bed, 'Whatever.'

'Why you so grumpy?' I ask softly as I poke his cheek.

He gently swats my hand away, 'My new training schedule for my fight is fucking intense.'

'That reminds me, I had an idea.'

'And what might that be?'

'I was kind of hoping you could ask one of your friends if they could facetime me while you fought, so I could see it live and in action.'

He laughs softly as he rubs his eyes, 'Seriously?'

'I'm beyond serious! I'm your number one supporter, don't you ever forget that.'

'Fuck. I hate you sometimes.'

My eyebrows knit together, 'What? Why?'

'Because you just say all of this shit and these annoying flutters happen in my stomach.'

I raise an eyebrow as my heart swells, 'Do you mean butterflies?'

'Yeah whatever they're fucking called.'

I pepper his face with kisses, 'You are the cutest Rocky James!'

He rolls his eyes, 'I don't like being called cute.'

I press my hands on either side of his face and squish his cheeks, 'But you are just so adorable!'

'I'm breaking up with you.'

I laugh softly as I shake my head, 'No, you aren't. You love me too much.'

'Yeah I fucking do.'

My breath hitches as I feel my soul being absorbed into his chocolate brown eyes, I never knew the colour brown could be this beautiful.

'The way you at me sometimes.' I murmur before I press a kiss against his lips.

'Sunshine, aren't you supposed to be in class?'

'Shit!' I squeak as I pull my laptop back onto my lap, 'See, I told you that you were distracting!'

'Shall I go shower?'

'Please for the love of god!'


Worry runs through my veins as I lay on my back staring at the ceiling Autie called me earlier and I could just tell that something was wrong, I couldn't exactly but my finger on it but her eyes looked dull and lifeless.

I feel so helpless being so far away from her, I just want to give her a tight a squeeze and reassure her that everything is going to be okay because it will be. I'll do everything in my power to protect her.

'Get some sleep.'

I shake my head as I bite down on my lip harshly, 'I can't, I know my best friend and something isn't right.'

'Baby, she's probably just having a tough time settling into college, it happens to everyone.'

'But what if it's something worse than that?'

'I'm sure she'd tell you.'

'I don't know, she's a closed book sometimes. Why are you awake?'

'Because you fidget a lot when you worry and I don't want to go to sleep knowing that you are worried.'

'I'm sorry for keeping you awake.' I whisper.

'Don't be stupid, I'm not bothered about being awake, I'm bothered about you.'

I let out a shaky breath, 'We need to start setting up the nursery in your apartment.'

'I know but I'm letting Harry have a little sleepover thing there for his birthday.'

My heart squeezes tightly, 'Aw, that's so sweet!'

'Yeah, he wanted to show off his big brother apparently.'

'So he should, his big brother is the best.'

'He is, isn't he?'

'You know, I had a really strange dream last night.'

Rocky turns on his side so that he is facing me properly, 'Tell me about it.'

'So I was giving birth but the baby wasn't a boy, it was a girl.'

'That doesn't sound that strange.'

I shrug, 'She had an alien head.'

Rocky gives me a teasing smile, 'So, she looked just like you then?'

I roll my eyes, 'Shut up.'

'Make me.'

I groan loudly, 'I'm too pregnant for sex.'

He raises an eyebrow as his fingertips graze up and down my body, 'How about I just make you feel good instead?'

A warm tingling feeling goes up and down my body, 'Really?'

He replies by pressing kisses on the insides of my thighs, a small moan escapes my lips as I run my fingers through his hair.

'You are such a good boyfriend.' 

He cocks up one of his eyebrows as a small smirk appears on his face, 'I thought I was your husband.'

'If you make me cum, you can be whatever the fuck you want.'

He laughs loudly, 'Noted.'

'Seriously though, I am convinced that the baby is a girl.'

'Sunshine, the baby is a boy, we've literally had blood tests and scans that say so.'

'To be fair, the baby keeps crossing their legs in the scans, so we can't know for sure.'

'He's a boy, I'm sure of it.'

I shrug, 'As long as they're happy and healthy that's all I care about.'

'As long as both of you are happy and healthy, that's all I care about.'

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