57: 'Welcome to the world...'

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I clutch Brooke's hand tightly as I feel another wave of pain wash over me, sweat was begin to profusely pour from my head.

'Where is he?!' I I cry out.

'He's coming baby, Sammy just rang me, they're on the way.'

'W-What about Luke? Is he coming?' 

She freezes for a minute before giving me a soft smile, 'I've not been able to get through to him, he's probably just busy.'

Hot tears burn the corner of my eyes, 'H-He promised that he'd be here.'

She presses a kiss on the top of my head, 'I know that if he could be here, he would be.'

I snap my head when I hear footsteps, Autumn is standing there panting loudly with a nervous smile on her face.



'You're about to become a mom.'

I grit my teeth as I nod, 'Oh really? I had no fucking idea.'

She winces slightly, 'Sorry, you probably don't need reminding of that.'

'Sorry, the pain is making me a little grouchy.'

'A little?' Brooke murmurs, 'I think you've broke my hand.'

'Where's Rocky?'

I throw my hands into the air, 'He's fucking hammered, Sammy's gone to pick him up. And Luke isn't answering the phone, I'm not even bothering to call my dad.'

'Hey, I'm here.' She whispers softly.

'I know, thank you.'

Brooke smoothens down my sweaty hair, 'You're doing amazing, honey.'

I raise an eyebrow, 'I've only just started!'


My heart leaps when I notice a slightly stumbling Rocky who is currently being supported by Sammy.

'Hey sunshine!'

I roll my eyes, 'You fucking stink!'

'She's a little angry.' Brooke pipes up, 'But it's mostly the pain.'

'It's all the pain!' I hiss out.

Rocky's face falls as he sits down on the chair next to my hospital bed, he clutches my hand tightly, 'I'm so fucking sorry that I'm drunk right now.'

'It's okay, you didn't know that I was going to go into labour.'

'I shouldn't have been so fucking careless, I'm going to make such a shitty dad.'

'Hey! You aren't going to be a shitty dad, you're going to be the best one into the entire world.' I whisper as I reach out to cradle his face.

His eyes widen dramatically, 'I-I haven't finished decorating the fucking nursey! I'm such a fucking screw-up.'

Brooke shakes her head as she walks over and squeezes his shoulder, 'It's okay sweetheart, you've got all of the basics, the baby will be staying with you both at first anyway.'

Sammy walks towards us with a small face, 'Is there anything I can do?'

I shake my head, 'No, we're fine I think. Brooke brought the car-seat and my hospital bag with her. I just want you guys to stay, all of you...please.'

'We aren't going anywhere, I promise.'


I whimper as I throw my head back, 'It's been seventeen hours, why the fuck is he still inside of me?'

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