39: 'Arlo knows that Rocky knows...'

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I sit uncomfortably as I wait for Rocky to walk into Arlo's room, I wasn't working today, I decided to take the next week off so I could rest and prepare for my play.

Arlo looks down at my bump with a soft smile, 'I hope I get to meet him.'

Hot tears burn my eyes, 'I'm sure that you will...I don't know if I'm suppose to mention this to you but we're actually planning on naming him after you.'

'Oh, Finnley?'

I furrow my eyebrows together, 'What?'

'My first name it's Finnley.'

I choke on my own salvia, 'Pardon?'

He chuckles lightly as he leans back on his arm chair, 'I go by my middle name Arlo, but my birth name is Finnley.'

'Oh, how the hell did I not know that?'

'Because I don't tend to announce it.'

I shrug, 'Well now I don't know what to call him, Finn or Arlo?'

He laughs loudly, 'I'm sure you'll figure it out kid.'

'Finn...I would have never pegged you as a Finn.'

My head turns when Rocky walks into the room with an unsure expression on his face, his hands dug deep into his pockets.

'Robert!' Arlo chirps happily.

Rocky nods stiffly, his expression crumbles, 'I know.'


'I know you're dying.'

Arlo stares at me with unease, 'I don't know what you are talking about.'

'Scarlett didn't tell me, I overheard you both talking. I was going to mention anything, I was going to respect your wishes but I couldn't just sit back and do nothing.'

'There's nothing you can do son, I'm dying either way.'

'T-They're must be stuff that we can do together, like what would you like to see before you go?'

Arlo looks us both with a ghost of a smile, 'Well I'd love to meet my great grandson, I'd like to see my only grandchild grow up and get married. I would also like to make amends with your father but I don't see that happening anytime soon.'


'Obviously, I know I won't be granted this, you kids are young.'

My heartbeats erratically against my chest, 'W-Well there's actually something that we want to tell you...we're engaged!'

The words came out faster than I comprehend, Rocky looks at me with a pale express and wide eyes which slowly begin to narrow at me.

Arlo's face brightens considerably, 'Y-You are! Where's the ring?'

I wince, 'Oh...well my fingers are so swollen from the pregnancy it doesn't fit anymore!'

'Son, why didn't you tell me?'

Rocky's eyes remain like daggers on my face, 'Probably because it just happened so face, it literally feels like two seconds ago when I found out that I was engaged.'

I force a smile onto my face,  'It really does.'

'So, when is the wedding? I hope it's not too far away.'

'We're going to Vegas and we'd love for you to come!' I blurt out.

Jesus Christ Scarlett, you need to shut up.

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