65: 'Oh btw I've quit Julliard...'

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I cradle Violet close to my chest as I climb out of my car, I flash Sammy a nervous smile as he stays firmly placed in the drivers seat. He was the only person I trusted not to talk me out of this because Sammy Taylor was someone who just supported you regardless of if he agreed with your choices or not.

I don't think I've told him enough that my soul is eternally grateful that it got to collide with his.

'Good luck Scar.' He whispers.

'I don't need any luck, I know that this is the right thing for me.' 

I gently pop my little angel into her baby sling and begin my walk up to the large doors stood dauntingly in-front of me. From the second I step into these doors, I know that my life is going to drastically change, everything I've worked towards is going to disappear in a fleeting second.

I chew down on my bottom lip as I walk towards the admissions desk, I give the woman sitting behind the desk the most polite smile, I could possibly manage.

'Hello, I have a meeting with the admissions team here. My name is Scarlett James.'

The woman nods before a grin breaks across her face when she notices the bundle of joy strapped to my chest, 'Nice to meet you Scarlett and who might this be?'

'This is Violet James, she told me that your blouse is extremely pretty, just saying.'

The woman laughs loudly as she waves her hand, 'You are here to meet the head of the art department?'

'That would be correct, yes.'


I clutch the papers in my hand as I step outside, the weight that has been baring onto my shoulders for the last few months has lessen by a small fraction. Maybe this isn't the chapter I envisioned but it's the chapter I need.

Because I've been trying to live my mothers dream for as long as I can remember even when it has plagued my brain with disordered eating thoughts. But now I'm a mother myself, it would kill every ounce of me if my daughter tried to live her life through me, all I want is for to be happy, safe and healthy and I will support her regardless.

Sammy pops his head up when I knock on the car window, he looks at me with slightly furrowed eyebrows.

'That was quick?'

I flip my hair, 'What can I say? I graduated at the top of my class with a shit ton of extra-curriculars I'm a prime candidate.'

'So you're doing it?'

I bite down on my bottom lip to try and control the grin that is going to explode onto my face, 'I'm doing it baby!'

'Holy fuck!' Sammy exclaims, 'This is so exciting! Scar I'm so happy for you.'

My heart melts into a puddle, 'I love you.'

'Love you too, now get in the car my soul is craving an iced latte.'


I nibble down on my bottom lip as I wait for Rocky to walk into his apartment, I wince as I look around at the special additions I've made to his 'man-cave'. Okay, I may have gone a little overboard on the pink but what can I say I'm just a girl who is extremely excited for the new Barbie movie.

I'm just ready for a fresh start and that involves finally moving in with my husband, doing the college course I want, I've spent so long taking care of everyone else and I deserve it to myself and my family to start taking care of me.

The sound of keys jingling cause my heart to stop momentarily, the door swings open to reveal Rocky, he lets out a small squeal when he sees me standing there.

'Holy fuck! I know I gave you a spare key but warn a guy next time, I just nearly shit my pants.'

I flash him a sheepish smile, 'Opps! Sorry angel.'

He blinks rapidly as he looks around the living room, 'I don't think I've ever seen this much pink.'

'Crap! I knew I had gone overboard but I was just so excited! you keep asking if I'm ready to move in and it hit me earlier that I am ready to move in and I just wanted to surprise you.'

His entire face softens, 'You're ready to move in with me?'

'I'm ready!'

He grins gleefully as he stalks towards me and scoops me into his arms, he hugs me tightly while I bury my head into his chest.

'I also have more news!' I squeak out.

His eyebrows raise, 'Did you get that underwear you were showing me?'

I roll my eyes as I softly slap his shoulder, 'I quit Julliard!'


'I am no longer a student a Julliard!'

'Oh...are you sure about this? Sunshine, you've not stopped talking about Julliard since the  moment I met you.'

I shrug, 'That may be true but it's not my dream, I don't think I want to become a famous actress. I feel like for a long time everyone has always expected me to go on and do crazy things because I'm naturally gifted. But I don't want to do crazy things, I want a simple life. I want to be with my family as much as possible and I want to do something that I love.'

'And what might that be?'

I rock back and forth on my heels, 'I may have actually enrolled late onto doing an fine art course, so that I can become an art teacher. I adore painting and the thought of being able to help children discover their passions makes everything feel worthwhile.'

Rocky presses a kiss against my forehead, 'I'm so fucking proud of you sunshine. You're so talented with your art when I first saw it, it literally took my breath-away. Your man was mesmerised.'

My cheeks burn brightly, 'R-Really?'

'Really, really.'

I clap my hands together, 'Oh my god! What if we end up teaching at the same school?'

He laughs softly, 'That could be a possibility.'

'We're going to be the power couple of the education world!'

'Fuck yeah!' Rocky cheers as he gives me a high-five.

'Are you excited for your birthday party?'

His eyebrows raise, 'What party?'

I slap my hand over my mouth, 'Fuck!...I mean our intimate dinner, just me and you.'


I shrug, 'I like the word party so I use it a lot, it doesn't mean that you are having a surprise party.'

'Jesus Christ.'

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