12: 'The first doctor's appointment...'

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Butterflies frantically dance around the stomach as I glance out of my living room window, patiently waiting for a familiar navy-blue car to pull up.

Brooke frowns at me worryingly, 'Honey, are you sure you don't want me to come with you?'

I nod slowly with a small smile on my lips, 'Y-Yeah, I feel like Rocky scares easy when it comes to meeting family members. On the outside he looks like a vicious bear, but I think deep down, he's a scared little baby lamb.'

She laughs softly before she presses a kiss on the top of my head, 'Whatever you say sweetheart.'

'I-I promise, I'll call you the second we're out of the doctor's office.'

'You don't have to promise me anything baby, I just want you to be okay.'

A feeling of warm washes over me as I wrap my arms around her tightly, 'Thank you for supporting me.'

'I will always be there to support you.'  She murmurs as she strokes my hair.

'I-I know, I just feel like I don't always thank you enough.'

'I think your ride is here.'

My heart comes to a halt as I whip my head and around to see Rocky's car, now sitting in our driveway.

I force a smile onto my lips, 'W-Wish me luck.'

'I'm sure everything is going to be fine.'

I let out a shaky breath, '...I hope so.'

My hands tremble slightly as I walk out of the door, my nerves don't settle when I see a familiar pair of chocolate brown eyes staring at me, in-fact I think it makes them worse. 

'Morning superstar!' I chirp as I climb into the car.

He wrinkles his nose, 'Superstar?'

My cheeks burn, 'Y-Yeah, I have a tendency to use terms of endearment. You'll get used to it.'

'Interesting.' He murmurs as he begins to reverse out of my driveway. 

I fiddle with the locket firmly sat around my neck, 'S-So how are you feeling?'

'If I'm being completely honest, I don't know how to feel. What about you?'

I shrug, 'S-Scared, I guess. I-I just want everything to be okay.'

He glances at me quickly with a small frown, 'I-I'm sure it will be.'

I bite down on my bottom lip as the churning in my stomach intensifies, 'S-So, are you going to work after you've dropped me off?'


I nod slowly before I take a glance around his car, a blue textbook below my feet catches my eyes, I gingerly pick it up and place it in my hands, 'I-I didn't know that you were studying.'

He lets out a small sigh, 'I-I' m taking night-school classes because I didn't graduate high school. So, I'm trying to get my diploma.'

My heart swells with pride as I grin widely at him, 'That's amazing! I barely know you and I'm already so proud!'

He snorts, 'How is it amazing? It's just a reminder that I was too stupid to finish school the first time around.'

I frown deeply, 'N-Not finishing school, doesn't make you stupid! They are a lot of ways to measure intelligence and education is just one of them. Plus, they could have been a lot of factors to why you didn't finish, such as having personal matters going on at home. So, don't knock yourself down, it can take a lot of courage to want to go back and get your qualifications.'

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