5: 'Boxing Day traditions with Sammy.'

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Brooke insisted that we all left the house today so that she could help Autumn and her little sister Winter, find somewhere more permanent to live. To say I was reluctant would be an understatement. It genuinely pained me to leave my best friend while she was hurting, but I knew it was for the best.

I've been told I'm a very distracting human. In-fact most of my detentions have been for chatting relentlessly to the people sat next to me.

I knock eagerly on the familiar wooden door in-front of me, it swings open to reveal a slightly dishevelled Sammy.

My eyebrows knit together, 'Samuel! Have you forgot about our boxing day tradition?'

He rolls his eyes, 'I haven't forgot but you're just unusually early.'

I shrug, 'I was banished from my home.'

'What? Why?'

I wave my hand dismissively, 'It's not my story to tell, hurry up and get ready.'

'You do realise we're just going to get rejected, like we do every year.'

I shake my head, 'I have a feeling that this year is going to be different! Plus, don't you have your fake I.D left over from when you went out with Autumn?'

'I do, but what are you going to do?'

I gesture towards my cleavage wildly, 'I have these! They're a guaranteed invitation into any bar.'

He wrinkles nis nose, 'Don't be gross.'

'I'm not being gross, I'm being factual. Now shoo!'

'Fine, I'll be fifteen minutes.'

I cross my arms firmly against my chest, 'You will be ten minutes and that's final.'

'God, you are so bossy!' He groans before turning on his heel and retreating back inside.


Every boxing day since we turned fifteen, Sammy and I have tried to get into this one student bar in town called 'Malones.' 

I bet you're wondering, why the hell do you keep trying the same bar if you're just going to rejected?

And the answer to that is rather simple, from 3-8pm they have an exclusive offer, any alcoholic drink of your choice for a dollar, as a way to spread the holiday cheer.

And I refuse to let cheap drinks pass me by.

I link my arm with Sammy's as we walk along the snow pathed pavement, I smile slightly at the crunching sound beneath my feet.

'Are you going to invite Zayn to join us?'

Sammy rolls his eyes, 'Am I going to invite my new boyfriend to watch us get turned away from a bar for being under-aged? No.'

I nudge his side gently, 'Well, if we do get in are you going to invite him?'

He sighs loudly, 'Sure.'

'You know, I saw Rocky the other day.'

His eyebrows knit together, 'The hot guy from Luke's birthday party?'

I nod, 'Yeah, he's actually the grandson of the resident, I was telling you about.'

A smirk tugs on the corner of his lips, 'Maybe, it's fate.'

I snort loudly, 'He could barely look me in the eyes, I don't think he likes me very much.'

'Well, he's a fucking idiot. Who could not like you?'

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