35: 'I was just trying to save your life...'

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I freeze rapidly as the bright headlights blind me, I hold my breath as my entire body trembles. I fall backwards onto my ass as the car comes to swift halt merely inches away from me. Hot tears burn my eyes before a shaky breath escapes my lips.

Rocky's face pales as he races towards me with a hardened expression, 'What the absolute fuck Scarlett?'

'O-Oh my god.'


'I-I could have died.'


'Holy fuck.'

My eyes widen as he kneels down and cradles my face, 'Why the fuck would you do that?'

'P-Please can you help me stand up?' I murmur weakly.

He nods as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls up, he gently guides me over to the sidewalk. I wince as I hear the tyres of the car that nearly hit me screech loudly before it speeds away.

'Fuck!' Rocky curses as he races into the road, staring after it, 'I didn't get the fucking registration.'

I rub a hand over my stomach, 'A-Are you okay?'

He gives me an incredulous look, 'Why the fuck are you asking me if I'm okay? Are you okay?'

I nod slowly, 'Y-Yeah, my ass cushioned the blow.'

'D-Did you hit your stomach or anything?'


'Why the fuck would you do that? You could have been fucking killed!'

'B-Because all I could think about was something bad happening to you and I panicked.'

His eyebrows knit together as he plops down next to me, 'S-So you risked your own life, for mine.'


'Why the fuck would you do that?'

'B-Because I care about you, I didn't want to see you get hurt.'

He closes his eyes shut tightly, 'I-If you really cared about me, you wouldn't have done that. Do you know how much it would have fucked killed me if something happened to you or Arlo?'

I blink slowly, that was the first time that he's ever addressed our son by his name, 'B-But we're fine, everything is okay.'

'That's not the point! I would literally go out my fucking mind if either of you got hurt. You know that right?'

I wince, 'I didn't realise that you cared that much.'

He narrows his eyes me, 'Y-You my...the person I'm dating, and you are carrying my son, of course I fucking care. In-fact I'm a little insulted that you think otherwise.'

A strangled sob escapes my lips, 'I-I'm sorry.'

He sighs loudly before he wraps an arm around my shoulder, 'I'm sorry for shouting, it's just that really shit me up.'

'I-I just wanted to protect you.'

'I know you did.'

'D-Do you think that was on purpose?'

His jaw clenches tightly, 'Yeah, I fucking do.'

'W-Why would someone want to do that?'

Rocky tenses slightly before he presses a kiss against the side of my head, 'I don't know sunshine.'

A harsh sob escapes my lips, 'I-I'm such an awful mother, I-I put my baby in danger.'

He shakes his head as he rubs soothing circles on my shoulder, 'N-No, no you're not. You just have a stupidly big heart.'

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