6: 'The results are in...'

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I groan loudly as a feeling of nausea washes over me; I tightly wrap my blanket around my shoulders before trudging downstairs. I just couldn't understand how I was still sick, it had been nearly three weeks since it's started. I shakily reach onto the railing of the staircase as I feel my knees give out. My eyes widen as a loud whistle penetrates my ears from behind me, I slowly turn my head to see Lucas stood there with furrowed brows.

'Scar you okay?'

I shake my head, 'I-I think I'm ill again.'

He gives me a look, 'This is what you get for only eating processed sugars and no-vegetables.'

I scoff, 'We get it you're an athlete.'

'Come on, let's get you to sofa.' He murmurs as he places his arm around my waist and gently guides me into the living room.

I look up at him with a hopeful expression, 'You know because I'm sick, I was thinking that-'

I get harshly cut off, 'I already don't like where this is going.'

'Can we please watch Tangled together?'

He sighs loudly, 'Fine but I'm going straight to Autumn's after it's finished.'

'Thanks Lukey, you're the best.'

'Don't call me that.'

'You are such a mean old grump.'

The dark-haired boy nods as he sits down next to me, 'Just put on the movie.'

'So, why are you going to Autie's?' I ask with a teasing glint to my tone.

His hazel eyes roll, 'Mom asked if I could give her some boxes to help her move in.'

I frown as I settle my head onto one of the cushions, 'I want to come. I haven't seen her in forever.'

'You literally saw her yesterday.'

'Exactly, it's been a whole twenty-four hours.'

'You are so needy.'

I yawn loudly as I sink further into the sofa, 'I really am.'

'At least you're self-aware.'

I huff loudly as I feel my stomach rumble deeply, 'I-I need to get better, I can't afford to keep getting sick.'

'Why, is work giving you a hard time or something?'

I shake my head, 'No not that. I've not been able to go to any of my dance or acting lessons for the two weeks! A-And I barely just met the requirements for Julliard.'

Lucas tilts his head, 'You dance, since when?'

'Yes, I dance. I started lessons a couple of months ago.'

'Well, you kept that one quiet.'

I fidget with the edge of my blanket, 'B-Because I'm not very good at it, I'm a total klutz. I-I thought it would be like figure skating, but it really isn't.'

'I still don't get why you stopped going. You were fucking amazing.'

I let out a shaky breath, 'T-The girls there where really mean-'

'Why the hell didn't you tell me?'

'B-Because I knew that you would go all big brother on me! A-And I need to learn how to fight my own battles.'

'But Scar, you didn't fight them. You gave up.'

I shrug as I feel tears threatening to form, 'It's not like I would have been able to go pro or anything.'

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