Off Days

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It was the day after recovery, and we had the weekend off before we had to go back to St George's Park.

I was back home spending some time with my brother. It was the last weekend for Oskar before his last week of school his last exam being that Thursday.

We were currently having a break from revision and baking banana bread.

"So, Viv gave you this recipe right" he said mashing the bananas in a bowl.

" Yes, she did she is a great cook maybe once you are un college you can come round see the team more often they care about you a lot" I said.

"Really?" He asked.

"Of course, they do they ask how you are all the time " I said.

"Well, I'll be seeing some of them in the euros wont i" he said.

"Yes, you will because you will be coming to every game" I said.

"I will I get to the matches though" he asked.

"Well, I haven't figured that out yet but I'm sure if any of the team is going then they could give you a lift or family members" I said.

"What about dad" he said.

"Well, if he is up for going to the matches then yeh of course" I said smiling.

We went and sat back down whilst the bananas bread was in the oven to do some last-minute revision before we were done for the day.

Once the bread was cooked Oskar put all his revision away and we ate. The front door opened and shut. There were footsteps walking towards the kitchen.

"Oh hi kids didn't know you were here, Jae aren't you supposed to be at camp" dad asked as he grabbed a glass of water.

"I have a break back tomorrow though" I said.

"Hey dad can I ask you somet" Oskar asked.

"Yes" he asked taking his suit jacket off.

"Well with the euros coming up Jae has family tickets and have incited me, so o was thinking-" Oskar rambled.

"You want me to take you to the matches in guessing" dad cut him off.

"Yes" Oskar said.

"Or dad could just come" I said, and dad looked at me funny.

"Are you sure kid" he asked.

"Well, you did say to actually want to try to be our dad again and that means spending time together so why not" I asked.

"Thanks kid" he said.

I nodded and walked out of the kitchen to go get some gym clothes on. Considering we were I don't want to say rich, so we are fortunate with money that we had our own gym that was an attachment next to the garage.

I walked in and started to do some leg work not pushing myself, it was always hard coming back from after season ended especially when I hadn't moved out yet so with dad actually talking and being present is confusing and hard to except trying to act like nothing happened for all these years.

I was running on the treadmill when I got a texted from Beth.
'How's everything going at home'

i didn't text her back straight away and finished off my run before getting of the treadmill taking a drink of my water and sat done. i text her back saying 'weird but good i guess'

i put my phone away and walked upstairs to go get a shower. once i had freshened up and saw that i had a miss call from Beth, i cursed under my breathe and called her back.

"hello" she answered.

"Hey sorry i didn't pick up i was showering" i said putting some clean clothes on.

"No, its fine just thought you would want to talk about what's going on" she said.

"so obviously I'm home with Oskar and we wear making some banana bread and i was explaining to him that he was invited to the euro games and he asked me who was going to take him to the games because he doesn't know how he is going to get up and down the country and he mentioned dad so i said it was up to him anyway dad came home acting all nicey nicey and Oskar asked dad to take him and then i invited him to come see the matches" i said.

"oh wow that's a lot" she said

"yeah done i know it " i said and sighed.

"how you feeling about inviting him" she asks.

"honestly i don't know i did it just so then oskar isn't on his own if I'm totally honest"

"did you tell them that" beth mead.

"well no but dad wants to actually try and Oskar is okay with that and I'm happy he is but i just can't not yet" i said.

"well at least you're trying and not being spiteful and hopefully you will be okay with it" Beth said.

"who knows any way how are you doing" i asked.

"I'm good thanks" she said.

"that's good" i said.

we both talked for a little longer before hanging up and i walked downstairs to see my brother writing some down.

what you up to" i asked.

"we need to go shopping for food before you go back to camp tomorrow" he said.

"oh yeh its Sunday isn't it" i said and looked at the clock.

"well the shops shut in about two hours so finish that up and get in the car and we will do the shop" i said and went to go grab some shopping bags, money and my car keys.

i walked out of the house to see that Oskar was waiting for me leaning on the car. i unlock the car and we got in.

"right, you ready" i asked and he nodded.

i drove about 20 minutes to Morrisons, we parked up and Oskar went to grab a trolley. it was about 20 minutes into the shop when i asked Oskar "do you want me to make you some meals and freeze them or are you ok" i asked.

"no i will be fine dad mentioned that he was going to cook some food for me" he said and i nodded. we continued the shop and finished after an hour and a half. Once we got home we unpacked all the shopping and i went upstairs with all my cleaned washing that i did yesterday and started to pack my bags ready to be back at camp tomorrow. i was just folding all my clothes to make sure everything fits when there was a knock at my door and it opened.

i looked up to see dad stood there.

"hey what's up" i asked.

"what time you in tomorrow" he asked.

"no that early around 11 ish" i said and he nodded.

"when's your next match "he asked.

"on the 24th against the Netherlands" i said.

"okay well if don't see you good luck" he said and i said thanks and he left. i finished packing and i put everything at the front door that i needed. i then put my car in the garage since i wouldn't needed it since i was getting picked up by one of the staff and made sure nothing that i needed was in the car.

me and Oskar relaxed for the rest of the night since he had an exam tomorrow morning, so we cooked some food and played Mario kart.

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