goodbye, Adiós, Tot ziens, Au revoir

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today was moving day.

the last couple of days the girls and I packed and got everything shipped off to grandparents' house so by the time we had arrived in Spain everything was there that we needed and so then we didn't have to bring much on the plane and just necessities for the flight and spare clothes just in case.

you spend the morning spending with Leah talking about the next month since a lot was going to happen. I was going to go to Spain for a week then come back for an interview that was going to air for Christmas and some other media related things one including something that was being finalised in decisions before the idea goes ahead. then me Leah and her family fly to Spain and has Christmas with my family then after Christmas everyone goes back to doing their own things and the second half of the season begins.

we were both sat waiting for the gate to open, me and Leah were sat down Eli in my lap playing with one of the new toys I got him for the flight.

"Gate 12 is now boarding make your way to the gate" the intercom said.

"You are waiting for everyone else to get on" Leah asked and I nodded.

"Yeh get his energy out and then he will nap and sleep the whole or most of the flight fingers crossed" I said.

"I'm sure he will be fine he has a bunch of new toys to play with" he said, and I nodded.

we both slowly watched as people walked one by one onto the play and it was almost my turn. I stood up and got Eli and our two bags together.

"Hey, I'll see you next week" I said to her seeing the tear falling down her left eye.

"Yeah, call me when you get off the plane okay have a good flight" she said and hugged us both.

"I love you so much we both do" I said kissing the side of her head.

Leah pulled Eli into a big hug giving him lots of kisses making him laugh a little. I kissed Leah one last time and walked over to the gate and we got settled into our seats quite quickly. I sent a photo to the girls and my grandparents of Eli sat in his seat playing with his toy holding his blanket.

we sat and waited and as we started to move, I gave Eli his bottle so he could have a nap. it didn't take long for him to fall right asleep, and I could do my own thing including writing which I have been doing a lot lately, this includes another 2 albums with 16 songs ready to go.

for the 2-and-a-half-hour flight went smoothly, Eli slept through the entire thing, and I got lost of work done editing the songs and putting then in my finished file adding to the many.

we got off the plane Eli half asleep, Lucy and Keira were picking me up to take me to my grandparents and then they were going to join me for my signing as they had to do some extra training.

I walked through the doors and saw Keira and lucy stood waiting.

"Hey guys" I said getting their attention.

"Hey jae" lucy said hugging me first and then Keira right after them. Lucy instantly grabbed Eli hugging him and playing with him.

even though they were both in different countries they both buddies and lucy was one of his favourite people, but nothing compares to Leah, and he knew that nothing came close to her but lucy was up there Sam with Keira they all had such different relationships.

Lucy was the rowdy and loud aunt who played and laughed until they were both asleep, Keira was the gentle sensible one the teacher to put it in a word read to him help with his mobility and all the upcoming milestones in his life. whereas Leah that was something totally different she was the one who he always wanted to be held by, read him to bed bath him feed him almost everything it was almost always Leah.

we got into the car, and I put my grandparents address into Lucy's phone and it was only half a mile away.

"You ready" Keira asked.

"I mean yeah will I meet all the girls today" I asked.

"You'll meet some of them the extra training is for us two map Ingrid and pina I think that's it and Alexia will definitely be there she always is" Lucy said.

"How so" I asked.

"Alexia is weeks away from being back on that pitch and she wants it as quick as possible but she can only do so much with her knee so she does everything else I think you two will get along well" Keira said and I nodded.

we arrived at my grandparents, and we had some lunch and then lucy Keira and I went to the training ground where we were meeting up with the president of Barca and Jonatan, we are walking in and I was met by the receptionist, Susan, who I shook hands with, and she took me upstairs to the offices.

Susan took me into a room where everyone was.

"Hola Jae" Jonathan said.

"hole" i said.

I sat down and we went through all the details and signed all the contracts that were needing to be signed.

"Well welcome to Barcelona Jae Black we are very happy to have you" the president said and shock my hand.

the photographer took some photos of us all and then we went through what was going on for the rest of the day. there was a tour of the training ground and then media with the new kit and the announcements.

I walked with Jonatan around the training grounds which didn't take long considering it was quite big, we talked about a lot of stuff that was coming up and the plans over the next couple of days with me starting training and seeing how fit and ready I was for the next match and if I was available to play.

we walked into the gym were a hand full of the girls where and they all cheered once they saw me.

"Twinkle toes" Lucy said and I laughed and the new nickname.

I introduced I to all the girls Alexia being last.

"I'm excited to play with you Jae and what is with the twinkle toes" she asked laughing.

"Same here and its lucy I stopped questioning her a long time ago" I said, and she agreed.

"Yes, she reminds me a lot like mapi very unpredictable yet predictable at the same time if you understand me" she said.

"Oh yeah I understand" I said.

I said by the girls, and we went off to do the media, I got into the new kit where they took photos and videos ready to be posted and be sent to me ready for the fresh start.

I said by the girls, and we went off to do the media, I got into the new kit where they took photos and videos ready to be posted and be sent to me ready for the fresh start

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JJ.Black - from a big dream to reality, i am thankful and excited for the opportunity to play with the barcelon badge on my chest, i hope i will do the culers proud.

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