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it was now November, and it was media day and picture day we had all made our way into training everyone was hyped up always liking these types of days, except Leah.

she had a couple of rough days since her injury and everyone had noticed she was more quiet and withdrawn from the group trying to get through the day, and her mood was also showing at home I could only do much for her we had talked briefly and she didn't want to talk about it so I gave her the space she wanted and needed it didn't stop me from trying to care for her I did little things to help her including running her a bath getting her favourite treats and food and she was grateful you knew it from how her smile slowly got bigger and more real.

they had brought the 360 cameras out for today and they had giving it to Katie, and she was running around like a madman the other girls following like they were on a sugar high. I was walking with Leah who was quiet than a mouse.

"Hey, you okay" I asked bumping her shoulder.

"yeah" she said.

"Come on Leah talk to me" I said.

"I think I'm just tired" she said.

"Okay when we get home you can go for a nap" I said, and she gave me a small smile.

Katie came running over and jumped on my back.

"Look who it is" she said.

"Look who it is" I said back.

"So, your officially back" she said.

"I am" I said carrying her to the benches.

"Go annoy the other girls" I said, and she jumped of my back and ran off and did just that.

I was putting on my boots and taking my jacket off and put in my spot right in the middle behind Leah.

I put my hands on her shoulder scaring her a little bit making her laugh seeing my large smile.

"you're a pain" she said.

"Yeah, but you love me" I said, and she rolled her eyes.

what neither of us noticed was the looks from a hand full of the girls them knowing that we were together but were waiting for us to slip up and tell them.

we took the pictures, and the staff joined it took a while since there was always someone not looking, and their eyes closed but we finally got the last shot, and it was perfect, Ellen then came round the corner with a trophy in her hand for Beth awarding her BBC's women's footballer of the year. everyone clapped for her and hugged baffy.

"Look at you our superstar" I said hugging Beth and the Ellen giving her a good squeeze.

"Hi JJ" Ellen said.

"I've missed you" I said.

"I have to how are you doing" she asked.

"I'm good hoping to get some minutes but you know" I said.

"I got to ask why rumours about you is there going to Barcelona" she said.

"Honestly I don't know every other week it's a new rumour especially with me not re-signing for here I mean last week lotte ask me if I was going to Chelsea which that will never happen" I said.

"Okay I had to ask what about Eli how's trouble doing" she asked.

"he's good very good he's inside with one of the staff having a nap" I said, and she nodded.

we all walked back inside, and I was doing interview pictures anything and everything all at once. I was at looking over some baby pictures of the team and trying to guess who it was, and Eli was plopped in my arms.

"So, Eli, you can help me who is this" I said, I guessed it was Katie and I got it right.

I went and fed him some food and changed him before we got into the car and drove home.

once home Leah went for a nap and I put Eli in his coat and went to go write some music upstairs, since bringing out my music a couple months ago a lot of it had gone viral on tik took which in my eyes is a big thing, I was planning on making a new album or a couple since in my book there was over 100 hundred songs wrote I just needed to put it all together which is what I was going in any free time that I had.

I door opened a couple of hours later and Leah came in dressed in just my shirt and her hair all over the place and Eli in her arms.

"Hello how was your nap" I asked.

"Good very needed." she said plopping herself in my lap.

"You also look like you've had a very good nap" I said to Eli whose hair was a mess and a confused look on his face.

"I walked in, and he was awake just chilling very excited to see me" she said.

"Because he loves you" I said as he stared at leash face.

they sat with me as I finished one of the songs I was recording, and I put it in the finished songs and ticked the sound of in my book.

"Another one down" she asked.

"I've finished up another two and started one whilst you were dreaming" I said as I shut everything off and we walked downstairs so I can start cooking tea.

"Ooo sounds good" she said.

Leah put Eli on his play mat to do some tummy time and she put on the tv.

"What do you want for tea" I asked her.

"What are the options" she asked.

"I can do a pasta bake quick and easy" I asked, and she nodded. I started to cook Leahs favourite meal that I could cook, and it didn't take long for it to be all finished and on the table.

we ate the pasta bake talking about random things about our day like we always did and watch tv snuggled up on the couch in each other's arms for the rest of the night after a hard day of talking to people and doing media because media days weren't always the best days especially when you were already having a bad day.

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