to much

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I woke up to a dip in my bed next to me, I opened my eyes to see Leah lying next to me.

"Hey, you weren't at dinner you okay" she said.

"Yeah, long day" I mumbled and fell back to sleep but not before I felt Leah kiss me on the cheek and say "that was for earlier"

I woke up the next morning to hearing the tv that was on I opened my eyes and saw Leah sat up on her phone. I heard my phone buzz and I turned around and grabbed it off the bedside table and saw that there were 16 missed calls from my dad and a dozen texts,

"Oh, for fuck's sake" I said sitting up.

"what's up" Leah asked I quickly put some clothes on and grabbed my phone.

"I will be back in a minute" I said and left the room. I was outside and I called my dad.

he answered shouting "where is your brother"

"Well first you are going to not shout of me and you secondly Oskar is safe now what the hell happened I thought you were trying to be a dad again" I said.

"Well, that wasn't until I found your brother in bed with another woman in my house" he said.

"You have got to be fucking joking me right he is a teenager what did you expect from him and if you have forgotten it was also his home" I said.

"I already have a problem with you know I have to deal with your brother" he said.

"what's that supposed to mean" I said.

"Well considering the fact that you are sleeping with your captain who is a female are you not" he said and there was a silent.

"Are you fucking joking me how dare you. You know I thought maybe just maybe you had decided you could be a dad for once but man you have stooped to a new low never ever contact me or Oskar again " I said and hung up.

i put my phone in my pocket and started to walk around the campus hoping to clear my head a little bit, I was walking for about 2 hours, and it was now half 10 and i had missed breakfast, but I wasn't that fussed, i walked back to the room and showered up and then got into some clean clothes and walked down to the relax room where everyone was. i walked in without anyone noticing and sat down where everyone was watching a movie i sat next to lucy and Beth and watched the movie with them.

nobody had noticed that i had come in until after the movie when lucy turned to me and said "when did you show up"

"About half an hour ago" i said and she nodded.

"You okay didn't see you at dinner or breakfast" she said.

"Yeah, had a bit of a problem at home also Jordy says hi" i said and she gave me a smile.

"You can always tell you know that right" she said.

"of course," i said and bumped the sides of our heads together slightly. everyone started playing Mario kart and i sat in the background smiling at everyone being so energetic.

i got a tested and saw that it was from Oskar 'he has told you hasn't he'

i replied with 'i don't know if it's the full story but from what i have told it is not your fault at all and you don't ever have to talk or see him again if you don't want to i totally understand'

'' have you figured out what is going to happen with the game' he asked.

'i have thought about it and i might get one of the arsenal team mates or one of the team's parents that you know you to take you' i sent.

'What about Leah's parent and Jacob I'm quite close with Jacob i play Xbox with him' he sent.

'i can ask and if you want you can bring it up to Jacob' i sent.

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