the moon and stars

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 it was now the first week into the pre-season training and everything was amazing the sun, the training, the bonding time it was everything about this past week i can't pick a favourite i have had a smile on my face the entire time the same with the other girls.

it was the Monday morning and i was wide-awake lying-in bed since breakfast was in an hour and all i could think about the first day here and Leahs answer to the question i asked her before we got onto the bus.

*One week ago, *

it was nighttime and everyone was now in their rooms tired from a long day of travelling and meetings about the upcoming week. i was putting Eli to bed when there was a knock on my door and i opened to see Leah in her pyjamas with her laptop in her hands.

" Can i answer your question now" she asked and i moved so she could come into my room. she sat on my bed.

"Let me get ready for bed and we will talk" i said and she nodded and i could she the eagerness written all over her face desperately wanting me to read what she had on her computer, i came back into the room in a shirt and some short and got into bed next to her.

"Can i show you" she said handing over the laptop, i was excited knowing that Leah was always good with her words so by her reaction i know that she was proud of what she wrote.

the question "where do you see us in 10 year's time" is a tricky and heavy question to ask someone especially with our confusion situations and the short time that we have been together so i decided to change the question slightly so i can answer your original question.

instead of "where do you see us in 10 years" it'll be "what do you see happening with us in the next ten years".

firstly i see us officially moving in together since that is the original plan that we have been planning and into the season we will have good days and bad days like all people have, we will watch as Elija grow up and hit all the milestones that make having a baby and raising one exciting, as the season passes and comes to end there might be transfers and injuries and then there will be the world cup coming closer and closer, and as the season comes to and end there might be trophies won with arsenal we will have to find out. as the 2023 world cup starts, we will be hitting the one year milestone between us both.

and the time goes on time skipping i see everyone find out about us and being supportive, you continue your field in music and graduating university with high grades which i know you will and both me and Elija will be by your side taking pictures and kisses telling you how proud we are of you. as the years go on i see a proposal a nice small heartfelt proposal with you on one knee and a beautiful ring in your hand after a nice dinner and then a walk along the river. then after the following years by more milestone with us and Elija with life and football,

i see a small wedding we get eloped at first just us two a lovely moment between us both and then a big celebration with our family and friends with speeches, dancing, singing, laughs, smiles and tears of pure joy and happiness. as we get older children might cross our mind it might before or after and with surrogacy or adoption or even the possibility of doing it through IVF who knows but i see it i see all of it as we are sat in a big warm love filled house with a big back garden and a garage as we are sat on the sofa watching a soft kid friendly movie probably lightning McQueen or toy story since it's your favourite kids movie with a little baby in your arms fast asleep and a grownup Elija in my lap as he is fascinated with the baby in your arms with you doing the same and a big smile on my face.

so that's where i see us in ten years married with babies and a wedding bands on both our fingers with a dog and a home that's ours after ups and downs that all healthy and happy relationships that's were i see us i have never felt like this with anyone its pure and my heart feels full every time i see you walk into the room, i hear your voice and laugh, i know it is only early days but i love you and i have no intentions in letting you or Eli go ever i love you both i love you and i always have and always will.

i looked over towards Leah with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes as she looked at my face trying to read my facial expressions.

"You know you're so good with your words" I said putting the laptop on the side.

"so" she asked.

i said nothing but move her onto my chest and kissed her head not wanting to let her go.

"i love you so much baby i don't want to let you go either" i said and i felt her body relax and she looked up at me.

"You're amazing you make me feel whole" she said and i kissed her lips.

"Same here baby you mean the world to me" i said and we laid there in silence listening to our breathing slowly relax into a deep sleep with smile on our faces happy in the moment not wanting the memorable soft moments like these to be taken away.

the laptop still open showing the document that showed the true feelings that are so hard to put into words knowing that is only half of the love held between the two women and knowing that word document will either become there future together and more or it will be their futures but with different people.

A/N- only a short one but one of my favourites 

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