media, media and more media

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we had a couple of days before our match in the quarter finals and so for then spare days was filled with a lot of training and media, day was my day to do the diary room. i walked in the room to see the media guys there setting everything up.

"Hey Jae" one of them said.

"Hey how are you doing" i asked.

"Good you ready" i said.

"Ready as I'll ever be" i said and sat down on the red seat.

"so, we are going to ask some questions about the games but first we need to the clapper board" he said handing me one.

"Got you" i said and i snapped it in the clapperboard.

"so, say your name, age, position and teams you play for" he said.

"I'm Jae black and I'm 19 years old i play as a striker for England and Arsenal" i said.

"Favourite match that you have played this tournament" he asked.

"it's got to be the Norway game i don't know what it was a think the fact they are such a good team with outstanding players and being able to get a goal in that match was amazing filled me with adrenaline and once that first goal went it i didn't want to stop no matter if it was me or my team mates were scoring i wanted more i felt invincible with looking at the opposition and seeing how good quality it was it just hits different when it's a good team like Norway" i said.

"How do you get prepared for game and wind down after games" he asked me.

"Music all day long before games i try and play my guitar or something and then i listen to music on Spotify almost the entire day and then same with after if it isn't too late even then i fall asleep to music sometimes yeh my music is my soulmate" i said smiling.

"How does it feel with the euros being you first tournament" he asked.

"i fell amazing it feels weird actually when i got the call up i didn't believe them honestly you know I'm so young with not a lot of experiences and now I'm playing with people like Lucy Bronze, Jill Scott and Ellen White i mean i use to watch them when i was younger you know i looked up to them still do in fact it's like a dream come true I'm at the adult table now" i said.

"What you feeling for your next game" he asked.

"Spain yeah that is going to be an intense game not just in the pitch but because half my family is Spanish so it's going to be intense but i think it'll be good like playing against Norway and then playing against my idols like Mapi leon it's going to be an amazing opportunity not just as a footballer but as someone with Spanish heritage not matter what the outcome is" i said.

the media guys nodded and shut of the camera. "That was great Jae thank you"

"No problem " said and walked out. I walked back into the hall where everyone else was doing there media and i was approached by Millie and Rachel.

"How can i help you guys" i asked.

"Do you have any secret talents" Rachel asked me.

"Yes why" i asked.

"Can you show you" Millie asked.

"Then what's the point of them being a secret" i said.

"oh, come on don't you know like a million languages or something there bound to be something " Rachel said.

"Well i can flip my eyelids inside to and i can make my eyes shake" i said.

"Wait what show us please" Millie said.

they brought the camera closer and i did my tricks and both the girls looked shocked.

"You Impressed" i said chuckling.

"i swear that you have more and more secrets the longer we are in this tournament its unreal" Millie said.

"What else are you hiding" Rachel said.

"Believe me there's a lot now go bother someone else" i said and they left

i walked towards the table where there was water and i grabbed one.

"Jae come on" Leah said who was sat with Beth.

i walked over and said "what's up"

"We are going to do a game" she said and pointed to the camera.

"Alright what we doing" i said sitting down next to Leah with Beth sat of the left of us.

"We are doing part two of how well do you know each other" she said.

"Ready to loose lee" i said to her and she rolled her eye.

"let's get started" the media guy said.

"hi I'm Beth mead and we have you two favourite tall people Jae Black and Leah Williamson and we are doing part 2 of how well we know each other or well them two" Beth said and i laughed.

"First one Leah what is Jae's favourite movie series and for an extra point what is her favourite movie in that series "Beth said.

"That is easy you know this" i said and wrote it down on the whiteboard.

"i know the series but the movie I'm going to have to guess" she said.

"ready" Beth asked, and we showed each other.

"Omg the black widow movie i forgot about that" Leah said.

"I'm not going to lie but the winter solider movie is my second but black widow tops it" i said.

"Not bad " Beth said.

"Jae what sport did Leah do when she was younger other than Football" she said.

"oh, that's easy she shows her skills of all the time" i said and wrote it down.

"ready" she said and i flipped my board.

"gymnastics" i said and Leah nodded.

"You better at this than before anyway next Leah how many sports did Jae play in school" Beth said.

"oh my god "Leah said.

"i don't think i know this either" i said laughing.

"you guys ready" Beth said and we both nodded and slipped our boards.

"you did 7 different sports" Leah said shocked as she put 4.

"yeah" i said.

"What did you do" Beth asked.

"Football obviously, gymnastics, swimming, kickboxing, karate, field hockey and athletics" i said.

"Oh, wow you were sporty" she said.

"Just a little" i said and took a drink from my water.

"Right next one Jae what is Leahs zodiac sign" Beth asked.

"What kind of question is that" i asked.

"One you should know" Beth said.

"what" i said.

"Do you even know any zodiacs" Leah asks.

"no" i said and i wrote a random word down.

"You ready" Beth said and we nodded.

"Moon ready" Leah said laughing.

"i don't know it was the first thing i came up with" i said.

"you're so smart but you know nothing about Astrology i am shocked" Leah said.

"can't be good at everything can its not possibly" i said.

"That is true i guess" Beth said.

we did a couple more questions and i ended up winning the game again and i was let go or the rest of the day. i walked up to my room and went onto my bed ready for a nap but just as i was about to fall asleep someone walked into my room and laid next to me and kissed my neck. i groaned and rolled over and laid my head on Leah's chest.

"Been a long day i hate media" i said.

"i know it's over" she said. i hummed and fell asleep. 

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