is she okay?

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when the game was over the girls worked as fast as they could to get to the hospital that Jae was at, the bus was taking forever which made the girls more and more frustrated with everything annoying them not knowing what was wrong with one of their most loved teammates and close friend.

when they got there they were taken towards a private room where they came face to face with Leah, Amanda, Jae's dad and a sleeping Elija in Leah's arms.

"hey, any news about her" Sarina asked as all the girls pilled in and sat down in the large room.

"so she came in they instantly started running tests and the doctor came in saying that they had to rush Jae into surgery to fix the gash on her face but they said they won't know further damage until she woke up" Jae's dad said rubbing his forehead.

"do they know how long it'll take," Rachel asked.

"they said it'll talk a couple of hours but they do know that she does not have a brain bleed at this moment and has full brain activity they will run more tests to see if anything has changed but there hopeful for how she reacted to certain tests," Leah said.

"I guess that's better than nothing I guess" Mary said trying to lighten the mood the girls hummed and quietly agreed to her comment.

for the next hour, the girls waited for Jae to come out of surgery but had to leave to get rest after the match them volunteering to take Elija back with them and Amanda did the same, but before that Sarina announced "so I just got a text from the officials and that they are running an investigation into the incident and they would like to say that the player who scored that last girls was in fact, Jae Black" 

the girls had small smiles on their faces as they left the hospital and to bed. That left Jae's dad and leash sitting in complete silence waiting for something and at half 3 in the morning they got just that, the doctor walking in and waking them both up.

"hi so we have some good news Jae had been out of surgery for the last 3 hours and has made amazing improvement she is awake and on oxygen she is aware and everything is clear," he said.

"that was fast, "Leah said.

"yeah I know the body and mind is an amazing thing and still today never fails to amaze me" he said smiling.

"so what are the next steps," Jae's dad said.

"so it will be a process especially for Jae to be back on the field I want to say 2 months depending on how she does she has a bad concussion and will have to stay in the hospital for about 4 days but once she is discharged she will only have to come in to get her stitches out I ill talk to your team at arsenal and then she will be in their hands," he said and they both nodded.

"would you like to see her," he asked they both nodded and stood up. they walked down the quiet hallway to her room and the door opened to her awake.

Jae waved weakly ad they sat down.

"hey guys did we win" she instantly asked.

"really that's the first thing you ask god Jae," her dad asked.

"What is a valuable question and where is Elija," she said her voice muffled by the oxygen mask.

"yes we won 3-1 and you scored that last goal and Elija is with Lucy and Keira he is fine" Leah said.

"Okay good wait I scored two goals" Jae asked.

"oh eh the officials messaged Sarina before they left" Leah said.

"oh right cool I'm sorry for scary you guys I'm fine" she said.

"We know baby" Leah said kissing the good side of her head.

they talked for a while before Jae fell asleep and her dad left to go home, that left Leah to watch Jae as she peacefully slept and at that point, all of the emotions came running in and Leah broke down in tears trying to be quiet and not wake Jae up for the rest that she needs. after a good cry, Leah calmed down and she lad on the fold-out sofa and fell asleep her hand still in Jaes 

 after a good cry, Leah calmed down and she lad on the fold-out sofa and fell asleep her hand still in Jaes 

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                                    JJ.Black- so guys I'm okay alive and well, I'll see you all very soon

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