noise and a hangover don't mix

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it was a couple of hours after I went to bed, and I was woken up by talking and a killer headache. I opened my eyes and closed them instantly and groaned.

"Glad your awake" I heard a voice say and I opened my eyes to see Leah wide awake.

"Why are you talking to yourself" I said.

"I'm not I'm talking to my mum" she said.

"Oh right" I said closing my eyes again.

"No more sleeping we have to go to breakfast soon" she said making me groan.

Leah gets out of bed and ending her call with her mum and then opened the curtains and then start to get ready. I rolled over onto my back laid there on my back not wanting to get up.

"Come on" she said ripping the quilt of me.

"Oh, you're so mean" I groaned and sat up looked at her to see her smirking.

"Then get up we have a busy day" she said.

after five minutes of lying in bed watching Leah sort herself out, I finally got out of bed. I got dressed and packed the rest of the stuff into my bags.

"You ready to go down" Leah asked and I nodded and asked her "are you all packed up."

"I have a couple of things to do but most of my stuff is in your room that I need to put in my bag" she said, and she was right as she has spent almost every night, and how the girls didn't realise that she wasn't in her room is astonishing.

we both left the room and slowly made our way down to the food hall to get some food had hopefully some painkillers for my killer headache. we walked in to see all the girls looking half dead walking around sluggish.

I got some food and sat down and started to eat, I was sat next to lucy who was still drunk.

"hello" she said with a smile on her face.

"Where did you get those sunglasses" I asked looking at the ski looking glasses she had on.

"Georgia" she said, and I instantly got up to find her and she had a bag full of them.

"You want one Jae" she asked, and I nodded "please."

"There you go" she said, and I patted her on the back and walked back to my seat with the glasses on.

"You look mint" lucy said.

"I don't feel it" I said laughing.

"You want some liquid courage to make you feel better" lucy said showing me a flask.

"Go on then might as well" I said, and she put some in my coffee.

I took a sip and nodded in approval.

"That taste nice" I said and lucy nodded having some straight from the flask making sure nobody saw.

after breakfast Sarina told us that we had 25 minutes to sort our shit out and have everything on the coach. most girls walked very fast back to their rooms clearly haven't packed yet whilst about 5 of us slowly walked prepared to get our stuff down. I walked into my room and checked over the room making sure I had all my stuff and Elija's stuff packed, I then sent a text over to my grandparent making sure everything was okay with Eli, I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed all my stuff and walked out of my hotel room and out of the hotel.

when I walked out the to the two buses and lots of people walking around. I found the bus I was on and saw that Sarina and Leah was talking with josh and Joellah for lionesses live. I put all my stuff in the bus and walked towards the girls who were sat on the bench.

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