England to Germany

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it was the next morning and all the girls minus Leah had left to get all packed and ready for the flight that was that afternoon. as what the girls where doing i was also doing, packing, i had got all my stuff ready and at the front door but now it was Eli, traveling with a newborn didn't seem easy but thankfully TikTok came in clutch and has helped me massively on what to bring and what not to bring and in thirty minutes i was ready with all of our stuff at the door including leahs as she had her stuff in her car when she came round yesterday.

"We have an hour before we have to leave what we going to do" Leah asked.

"I'm going to clean and switch everything off" i said.

"Really clean" she asked.

"Yes, i don't want to come home to a messy house" i said and she nodded and went to sit with Eli who was sleeping as always and i started to clean lightly around the house.

with it only taking me about 30 minutes to clean and sort then sort out the house ready for us to leave for two weeks, we had enough time to get everything out and into the car before we started to drive down the training ground where we were meeting everyone.

"You excited" Leah asked me.

"of course, I'm ready to start playing with the girls and meet our new signing what was her name Lina" i asked.

"yeah Lina hurting she plays for Sweden i heard she is a solid player" she said.

"i bet she is it will be nice to get to know her I'm sure she will fit in perfectly with our bunch" i said, the arsenal bunch we are a tight group ever since i joined no matter who comes and goes they have always settled quite well especially with the large range of personalities that we have the loud big personalities like Katie you or the more calm and collective personalities live Viv but we all big out the best in each other as time goes on even with games with winning or losing no one is to blame personally it's always a team effort one big happy and unique family. not to be biased but I'd say that the arsenal group are a tight group more than most teams in the WSL, but then again i wouldn't know personally.

"I'm sure she will i also know that she is a mum as well" Leah said.

"Yeah, i was looking through her insta not too long ago" she said.

"Have you ever thought about having kids i know we have Elija now and all but" she said stopping mid-sentence after the last couple of words.

"we" i asked "you see Elija as your own".

"i guess so yeah i mean never mind" she said.

"no come on i want to hear what you think your apart of both mine and Elijas life a massive part i want to know your opinion" i said my heart growing 10 time bigger knowing how Leah feels about Elija.

"yeah i do see him as my own i guess and i know that there is nothing in this world that will take Oskar and Maya away from him being his parents never that was never my intention but ever since i held him and then seeing how you are with him knowing that i get to see that every single day and watch him grow it makes me feel all tingly and smiley and then at the same time i feel guilty because we have only been together 3 months and i don't want to move to fast and then ruin everything and yeah i don't know" she said.

"I'm going to ask you this question right and i want you to really think about it and then by the end of the plane ride i want you to tell me okay" i asked pulling into the training ground knowing that it isn't best to have personal conversation with the rest of the girls able to hear and she nodded.

"Where do you see your future in ten years" i asked parking the car and i saw the gears in her head moving.

"Can i right them down" she asked.

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