once a Gooner

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It was now April and about a week since Leah's birthday. And it was time to be with the England squad for the finalism completion.

When I arrived at camp it did not start as I had originally planned, with Eli being grumpy and just morning a good mood I decided to go straight to our room and relax with him to get him settled. We step a good amount of time in there on our own until Beth walked into the room ask me the weirdest question.

" Why is Leah so upset" she asked.

" What do you mean upset" I asked in response as the last time I talked to Leah she was her usual cheerful self.

" She has been off the last couple of days since her birthday and no one can figure out why and then this morning when I asked if she was. Excited to see you and Eli her mood for worse and then I thought you had had an argument" she explained.

"Oh, right well we haven't argued and the last time I talked to her she was her normal self, well lunch mission so I Will ask her when I see her" I said, and she nodded and left the room.

I looked over to Eli who was happily playing with his toy, and I signed which caught his attention. I looked at the time and thought it was best to get everything sorted for lunch.

I picked Eli and his toy up and we left the room after grabbing his little bag and we walked downstairs in hope to find Leah already there. But once we got there most of the bird had arrived and Leah was nowhere to be seen.

Instead of waiting I set up Eli in his highchair and grabbed both of our food, I say down and have Eli Norwood which he seemed ecstatic about and we both started eating. Lucy came over and say next to the both of us and she started eating as well.

"Do you know what's up with Leah" I asked her.

"No idea I know Keira mentioned something happened but that's about it" she said shrugging.

"Oh, right I'll have to see her after tea" I said. And we continued to chat, and Eli happily joined in with his words.

With Eli being 9 months old now he was becoming more and more human like, crawling, his personality slowly creeping in, and he knew what no meant. With speaking he is very close but now it is just babble and screeches.

After food Lucy offered to have Eli for a while, or well Eli did since he refused to let go of her, so I decided to use this. Opportunity to speak to Leah, I knew which room she was in because of the Rota that is on the wall. I made my way up there and lightly knocked on the door, the room was silent, and then the door opened, and it was Keira and G at the door.

"Hey, can I speak to Leah please" I asked, and they let me in as they left the room. As I walked the. Curtains where closed and the lamp on next the Leah bed.

"Hey darling" I said getting her attention and she was laid facing away from the door. I heard a small hi and. I walked over to her and saw she was crying.

"What's the matter love" I asked.

"Nothing I just been stupid" she said.

"Well, if it's making you upset it must not be stupid" I said.

" I do not know I just saw something online and it upset me" she said sniffling, but I knew she was hiding the details.

"Okay and what was this post about" I said. Running my hand up and down her back. She say up and showed me the post that was on Twitter and it was a photo of me and Alexia with Eli in my arms and the caption mentioned that they thought we were dating and there were other threads of photos with us in training and at matches, they also mentioned in the posted about how me and Leah must have broken up and that I looked happier.

I signed as I read though the other tweets and the pictures, I heard Leah sniffle more and I put the phone down and brought her into my lap hugging her as she cried more.

"Oh Lee" I said.

" I love you more than anything in this world okay me you and Eli are a family just us not alexia not anyone else, these people don't know what they are talking about, I'm friends with Alexia that is it she has helped me transition into the team and she has been great but you, you are my number one girl okay always" I said to her. I heard her slowly calm down and I laid down on the bed and she laid on top of me.

"I'm sorry I just got scared" she said.

"Hey, it's okay next time just please come to me even if you think it is stupid if anything is making you feel uneasy tell me" I said.

"Okay I love you" she said.

"I love you more" I said kissing her.

"So how is Mr Elijah" Leah asks.

"He is great he has missed you so much he is almost talking he is so close" I said.

"Is he with luce" she asked.

"Yeah, he wouldn't let go of her let go find him" I said sitting up.

"I look a mess" she said.

"Now that is impossible you look amazing as always and its only luce" I said, and she nodded. I three her a jumper that was mine and we walked down the hall. it was only a couple of doors down and you can hear him screeching in the hall. I opened the door and we both walked in.

Lucy and Eli were on the bed and lucy was throwing pillows at him, I leaned on the wall and Leah came in front of me from my right and smiled and Eli.

"Who is it bud" Lucy said and pointed to us. and Eli looked and started screeching and waving his hands.

"Hi baby boy" Leah said and grabbed him from the bed.

"Oh, my boy" and she hugged him tight.

"Everything good" Lucy asked me.

"Yeah, all good just social media with alexia" I said.

"Oh bless" luce said and we looked at Eli.

he looked at me a gave me grabby hands making humming noises.

I walked over and went to grab him when it happened.

"mama" he said, and I picked him up. I froze.

"Did he just" Leah said.

"yeh" lucy said shocked.

"Say it again bambino" I asked.

"Who's that baby" Leah said pointing to me.

"mama" he did it again.

"Holy crap" I said with a smile and through him in the air.

"you're so smart baby" I said, and he screeched.

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